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Pokemon Cries


I was going through the pokdex in my game and found that some pokemon have exactly the same cry, but just a different pitch!

I've noticed this with:

Sudowoodo and Jumpluff

Diglett and Doduo

;424; That's all I could get to before I fell asleep (I'm sick so...sleep=good) so if you do happen to find anymore similarity in cries, please post them here!


Well-Known Member
Rhyhorn & Charizard (almost exactly the same)
Porygon2 & Girafarig
Caterpie & Goldeen (Goldeen's cry sounds like a slower Caterpie)
Vileplume & Aerodactyl
Machop & Omanyte
Horsea & Meowth


Wayfaring stranger
Omanyte and Machop do too, if I recall correctly.

If you send out a low health (beeping) Kadabra (I think it was Kadabra...) in Red or Blue, you'll hear Gastly.


Well-Known Member
If you send out a low health (beeping) Kadabra (I think it was Kadabra...) in Red or Blue, you'll hear Gastly.
I think a low health Zubat sounds like Crobat. It's not exactly the same, but it's pretty awesome for a game that predates Crobat's existence.

Anyways, Dewgong & Lickitung kinda sound the same.


Hmm, I'll have to transfer over a Charmander and train it :D

Do you think they puposely did this? I mean, my FAVORITE cry is Donphan and Cacturne, but they have really creative crys. What are your favorite crys?


Scizor, Sudowoodo, Jumpluff, Ampharos, and Heracross.
Jynx and Exeggutor.
Sceptile and Kyogre.
Parasect and Mewtwo.

My favorite cries are probably those of Articuno, Registeel, and Regice.


Well-Known Member
Pidgeot - Chansey
Ditto - Poliwag
Gloom - Marowak (kind of)


Leave my posts alone
I suppose Koffing and Golem.
Mahoke and Growlithe...?
Slowbro and Machamp, I'm sure.

I remember Vaporeon having a similar cry to something...


Well-Known Member
battay said:
missingno and zapdos.. i think
Glad someone else thinks so. xD

My favourite cries... considering someone has already comapred Porygon2 and Girafarig... are Sneasel, Persian, Misdreavus, Cradily and Rentoraa. Yay for bias.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I like Mewtwo and Celebi cries.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
doesn't anyone realise but for the pokemon cries, there are only something like 5 different types and all the pokemon's cries are variations of the first few, thats all! thats why they all sound remotly similar...


Well-Known Member
I think that they must have had limited sounds in Generation 1 and 2 so many of the cries have been repeated at different pitches and speeds. I find it very interesting. I find there are some cries that are very well-suited to the Pokemon and some that sound completely wrong. As well as Caterpie and Goldeen, there's Tauros and Wartortle, Aerodactyl and Vileplume (who both sound like alarm clocks...)

I think it would be interesting to see if you could pair up every pokemon with another that has a similar cry :)

AJ Flibble

Needs more Dragonair and Dragonite. Dragonite's cry was just a more forceful sounding Dragonair cry.

Natu, Xatu and Remoraid sound very slightly similar.

Wigglytuff and Poliwhirl are also similar.


Shinx <3
Damn, I always think that Diglett and Doduo have the same cry. That's same for Caterpie and Goldeen. I'm horrified.


Bullet Punch
Well, sometimes I get a little confuslled on cries. I once thought I ran into Caterpie in the water, but it turned out to be a goldeen...//
