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Pokemon D/P DVD and CD.


Well-Known Member
On Nov. 29, Japan will release DVD's and CD's of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, see Pocketmonsters.com for more details.


Its odd how brock isn't in it and Hikozaru is with Ash.


Contaminated KFC
I'm just wondering if they're going to fix all those really minor animation errors. They mended Mimilol's miscolored ear last week, so lets see if they catch on to Nurse Joy's outlined eyes, or the dark green area of Cacnea's head being yellow ;P


Yeah, ok!
Everytime I see Ash and Hikari advertised together on an official piece of artwork, I can't help but wonder why they couldn't do the same for May in the AG era. The writers didn't start promoting May on the same page as Ash until Battle Frontier with the Spurt CD.

Oh, and I think the fire starter included here again proves Brock won't get it. They just advertise the three starters together here and on the TVTokyo site. I'm so happy Shinji got it instead of Brock, thank god they didn't waste a starter on him this time.


Ash fan girl! Cute!
I like the picture, its cute. I can't wait to see how they hanndle the US DVD version.


Ash fan girl! Cute!