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Pokemon Dash


Eevee Lover
Should I get it or should I not? I was wondering if it was any good, so if any of you have played it then you can tell me if I should get it sometime.
I have it. It Sucks. I beat it in Like 20min. I was really not fun. Dont recommond. Ranger is 1100000000000000000000000000X Better.
Unless ypu can find it for 5 dollars and someone else who wasted their money on it or is willing to wate 5 dollars don't bother. After renting it I managed to beat it, and the only interesting thing is the ability to make your pokemon for the advance games into race tracks. But the feature doesn't make the game worth enough money to buy.


Well-Known Member
the game sucked so bad i gave it to my friend. free


Well-Known Member
pokemon dash was relly bad indeed....just about the worst pokemoln game in the world..