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Pokemon deaths

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ooo, what's cooking?
I can't think of it, my little Latias having an R.I.P. sign above it. I'm scared witless, plz tell me if pokemon can die, and if yes, how do u prevent or postpone it.;munchlax;


No, Pokemon cannot die.


Hey! Don't call him stupid. Anyway your pokemon can't die but others do. Pokemon tower and Mt.Pyre have tombstones you know.


Slow and steady baby
I had an idea on how to incorporate death in Pokemon.

Let me find the post...

Got it!

On fainting/death


Strawberry fields.
Pokémon can die as the games clearly states, but it seems as if they can only die of natural causes. Think about it, I've never heard of a Pokémon dying in battle.
Yes, pokemon can die. Horrible gruesome deaths, I might add. I suggest you stop playing pokemon before you are forced to see any of this.


Well-Known Member
Wow you must be new to pokemon, they cant die, unless you release them cuase release is just a nicer way of saying deleted(why do you think when you release it says once released they will never come back), which in games mean death. Its like the book The Giver
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Weed trainer
nope, pokemon cannot die; they faint when beaten in battle; however I have no idea how Team rocket killed a marowak in R/B/Y....

the anime even says that pokemon cannot die....


. . .
Pokemon can't die in game. (Except for the Marowak in R/B/Y.) However, some have died in the anime. I won't say who, since I may spoil it for some.


Okemon can die, they just don't let yours die


POkemon can die, they just don't let yours die, srry double post


Well-Known Member
Anime pokemon deaths, Latios, and Lucario. Thats all I know from reading summeries on Serebii.net


Well-Known Member
no. but my old friend lied and said " ohnoez! your swampert will die! and look! mine's dying.. nooo!"


Born This Way
Like everyone else has mentioned. Pokemon do die. But in the games (your party), anime, manga they do not die, they only faint.
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