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Pokemon Destiny: The journey's of Gray

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Hi people, I'm ready to put my story on the air! ill update every once in a while with a new issue. Heres part 1: Prologue

Twelve years have passed since Red beat the Indigo league. He left off in search of a new land, and soon found one. He found a wife named Pink and they had eleven children, each named after colors. Up until six years ago, they had been living alone in a whole new content, until Red decided to make his own pokemon league. Three years ago, the league was completed. There were thirteen cities/towns, and the sons and daughters became the gym leaders of this league. A newly graduated Professor Dekon decided to be the league’s official scientist, which included giving trainers their starter pokemon, chosen from Growlithe, Psyduck, or Lotad. Two years ago, people started buying jewelry made from Aipom tails. More and more people started killing the Aipom, until they were endangered. Now only few Aipom remain, with people still hunting them. And that is where our story begins, near Akana Town of the Raintopolis rainbow league…

Chapter 1: Run away Aipom

Whoosh! A purple monkey creature with a giant hand on its tail frantically leaped from tree to tree. It was an endangered Pokemon, Aipom. Aipom’s breath was quick, but it continued through the thick trees. A town was not far away, but Aipom was in big trouble. A hunter was chasing Aipom on his motorbike, with his Houndoom speeding in front of him.
“You can’t run forever Aipom! I’m going to use you in our master plan!”
Aipom looked around just as Houndoom jumped up to tackle it. “Ai-POM!” It yelled as it spun around quickly and wacked Houndoom with the glove like part of his tail. This Aipom was a male Aipom, and it had just used mega punch. Finally, he was at Akana town, the heart of Raintopolis. Just as Aipom reached the town, the hunter hit him with a net, but Aipom went flying inside the net and flew right into Prof. Dekon’s laboratory.
“Dang it Aipom, stop trying to get away!” The hunter yelled at the still dark sky, for it was early in the morning.

Prof. Dekon was at his lab working early when he saw the tiny Aipom fly in through the window.
“Oh wow! An Aipom, whats wrong?” He said as Aipom started waving it’s arms up and down. “Ai, Ai, pom, Aipom!” Then the door exploded. Prof. Dekon grabbed Aipom in his arms. “Now I know what you meant, Pokemon hunters!” He jumped behind a table and kept his mouth shut. The hunter entered the door.
“Come out wherever you are, you stupid Aipom!” He laughed. The hunter jumped to the spot where Prof. Dekon and Aipom were, but they had moved. “Nobody escapes from Ted Carbon of Team Shadow!” Prof. Dekon looked at Aipom. “What kind of name for a bad guy is Ted?” He whispered. Aipom chuckled silently. “Fine then, maybe you left, but I will get you Aipom!” Ted yelled as he left. Prof. Dekon sighed. “I wonder who Team Shadow is, and I wonder why they wanted you.”

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Okay this is NOT the place to post stories, and even before you try continuing, read ADVICE FOR ASPIRING AUTHORS D: this was too short, too rushed, just too blah overall for a chapter. And 'Team Shadow' holy crap that is so original. Not :/

Seriously, but more effort and thought into this.
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