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Pokemon Diamond Or Pokemon Pearl

Are you buying Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl?

  • Total voters


Random poll, and my first. Just vote on which new pokemon game you are buying.


I love Dara <3
Pear XD I like the name ^_^ Maybe Diamond later XD


Well-Known Member
I'd choose both, but no option on poll.. -,-

I guess since diamond is my favorite one i'll chose that one.

Sceptile Master

Survivor of the Great Avatar Depression
Maybe both... well i just voted for both but if I can only get one I'm getting Diamond ( unless Pikachu is not in there.)


I might get both, but I'll probably get Pearl first.

And is this the right thred? o_O


Well-Known Member
I'm buying Pearl. I don't understand why 75% of people are buying Diamond.
Diamond: Zugaidos/Rampaldo, Murkrow/Donkaras, Skapuu/Skatank, Dialga

Pearl: Tatetops/Torideps, Misdreavus/Muumaaji, Nyalma/Bunyat, Pearlkia

That's why I'm getting Diamond. I might also get the third version if it's substantially different (at least a Battle Frontier).


What 'bout My Star?
I'm gonna get Pearl Cause It's got Parukia, whom is awesome


Preferably both, but if I had to choose I'd go with Diamond. Zugaidos, Skapuu, and Donkarasu are just that much more appealing to me than their Pearl counterparts.

Horn Drill

I'm getting Diamond first. Ramuparudo makes the whole game worth it. Parukia is probably better than Diaruga, though. I'll get both soon after they come out, but I'm going to get Diamond as soon as I can because one of my friends has already imported Pearl, and two of my other friends are going to get Pearl first.

Nick Mckenzie

I've already bought Diamond, but I'll be getting English Pearl as well.(because I want to actually know what the people are saying) So, both.