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Pokemon Diamond Or Pokemon Pearl

Are you buying Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl?

  • Total voters


I will buy Diamond. I like the pokemon which are there (the dino one and Diaruga).

Lid Boy

Diaruga Master
Diamond, because it has good pokemon that you can't get on pearl


Natsu no Maboroshi
Diamond for me.


lol at you
well i'm getting pearl, because my brother is getting diamond, and my friend is getting diamond, so i wanna get the opposite version to them

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Diamond, out of my love for Ramparudo.
Hard choice, as Diamond has better exclussives, but Pearl is PINK. =P

Mostly Diamond, though. And likely Diamond. Unless I can't get it due to availability, Diamond it is. :D

Unless Whitney starts crying for not buying the pink cart, of course... >__>

Lava Striker

Beginning Trainer
I pick Diamond for some odd reason without seeing its ratings I chose the best rated game for each generation. o_O


I'm buying Pearl. I don't understand why 75% of people are buying Diamond.

we like diamond more than pearl because Dialga(Diaruga)>Palkia(Parukia)

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
I will get Pearl first then Diamond. (both in English)