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Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Adventure! Discussion Thread

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Sure! Shall we set it for July?


Guess who's back
Fine with me, send me a VM or whatever. Never done a group read through before, very exciting!

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Oh, I was thinking we could just have a thread for it. Maybe you could start it since I think people are sick of me talking about it.


Guess who's back
Ah yeah of course! If you could give a hand in organising, I'd be up for it.

And if people who are also interested in a group read through could say so then that'd be brilliant!

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Well, go ahead! We should organize it in advance so people join.


I know this thread has been unactive for almost one year, but I recently purchased the series box. After some trouble getting to arrive at home duo to a terrible service from the courier services, but at least it's here.

Read up to volume 2 so far. It's a fun series and I agree it's a pity it doesn't seem to get much attention. Hareta has been a rather enjoyable character so far. Interesting that while he seems a bit like Ash in some things, at the same time he's completly different. Got some genuine laughs with his maneirisms. As for the whole "Goku expy" thing, honestly, I like him a lot more than Goku but I've always been more of a Saint Seiya guy than Dragon Ball, so there's that.

Anyway, I found really interesting that right in volume 1 we got a scene of Mitsumi being surprised by an Aipom horde. Considering what XY brought to the games, it makes that part seems more interesting. The little part where Hareta is scold by Gardenia and then just says he's ok with being stupid was quite fun as well.

As for volume 2, I found really interesting how Ihara handle Cyrus. Unlike the games and the anime, he wasn't portrayed as that stoic, emotionless villain. His reaction towards Hareta's determination made for some fun interactions between the two. Even if this kind of rivalry is predictable and overdone in this day and age, considering it was Cyrus the one with such characterization made things more engaging.

Should start volume 3 as soon as I can.


Active Member
i need to buy this manga. i dident pick it up when i went to barnes and noble. i wasent intrested in it. but my friend showed me the same book and i got hooked after 28 pages. i went back to barnes and noble but it wasent there. i looked on the website but they were out. i rely want to get it now because the story sounds great.


i need to buy this manga. i dident pick it up when i went to barnes and noble. i wasent intrested in it. but my friend showed me the same book and i got hooked after 28 pages. i went back to barnes and noble but it wasent there. i looked on the website but they were out. i rely want to get it now because the story sounds great.

In case you haven't found it yet, t's still avaliable on Book Depository. I've bought from there in the past and never got any issues with their services.

Decision is still yours though.


Well-Known Member
I love pokemon DP aventures manga . Hareta make me laugh XD I don't finished to read beacause I couldn't find more chapters. Well, the manga is not easily acessible.
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Mrs. Oreo

Hareta is my favourite character in this series hee hee. My favourite chapters were the Deoxys ones in volume three and I plan on finishing the series when I have some free time this summer. :D

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Neat! How far are you?

I am serperior

The Ultimate trainee
Im gonna bump this. This manga reminds me of dragon Ball is Hilarious and is fun and mitsumi and cyrus are the best character but is a shame that the Pokemon manga community is boring they only pay attention to the recent plot discussion and ignore everything
I just wish this community was more active and pay attention to other mangas and talk about new topics
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Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Oh gosh IKR there's even direct character parallels. We just need to find out that Hareta has been an alien all along and Deoxys has to stage a tournament.


Well, we could trace a paralel between the series and "pre-Z" Dragon Ball.
Especially early on without the backstories being known, yup, Hareta and Mitsumi are essentially pre-Z Goku and Bulma.

Im gonna bump this. This manga reminds me of dragon Ball is Hilarious and is fun and mitsumi and cyrus are the best character but is a shame that the Pokemon manga community is boring they only pay attention to the recent plot discussion and ignore everything
I just wish this community was more active and pay attention to other mangas and talk about new topics

This is a perfectly fun and solid manga, but unless we're talking about Fullmetal Alchemist or something here, not many people are going to talk about a series a decade after its conclusion. Probably didn't help that there weren't any scanlations back when it did first come out. I do see a good chance of more people becoming interested in this again when DP remakes get announced.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Scanslations weren't really needed though since it was officially available. I mean it would be good to have scans for people who live in areas where they can't get the books, but that's about the only reason to have them. And scanslations don't equal popularity. There are scanslations for the Conquest "Color Scroll" stories, as well as for things like Golden Boys and Phantom Thief Pokémon 7.

And when people still talk about older arcs of Special despite them having very little relevance to the current storylines, I think it's really only fair. And frankly I'm tired of hearing about nothing but Special all the time. People get so up on it that they'll insist it's the only actual manga, and try to kick any discussion of other manga series out of conversations about Pokémon manga in general. Besides, DPA did a lot of things the DPPt arc of Special did and did them earlier, yet people fawn over the same developments in Special.

This is such a good series and it really shouldn't be kicked under the rug. If it takes talking it up after all this time to get people to pay attention to it, that's what we'll do.
Scanslations weren't really needed though since it was officially available. I mean it would be good to have scans for people who live in areas where they can't get the books, but that's about the only reason to have them. And scanslations don't equal popularity. There are scanslations for the Conquest "Color Scroll" stories, as well as for things like Golden Boys and Phantom Thief Pokémon 7.

And when people still talk about older arcs of Special despite them having very little relevance to the current storylines, I think it's really only fair. And frankly I'm tired of hearing about nothing but Special all the time. People get so up on it that they'll insist it's the only actual manga, and try to kick any discussion of other manga series out of conversations about Pokémon manga in general. Besides, DPA did a lot of things the DPPt arc of Special did and did them earlier, yet people fawn over the same developments in Special.

This is such a good series and it really shouldn't be kicked under the rug. If it takes talking it up after all this time to get people to pay attention to it, that's what we'll do.

It's impossible to scanlate Pokemon manga right away with the magazines they're serialized in, and by the time Viz got their hands on DPA (a full year after the volumes came out in Japan), the fourth gen in general was starting to die down, let alone the Diamond and Pearl games. With it being a completely self-contained story with no continuations and sequels (that came out several years ago), there's only so much you can talk about.

Heck, that's the problem with other Pokemon manga in general. There just isn't enough material to really talk about for a long amount of time. Hell, I loved Pokemon Thief 7, but what can you do with a series that was cancelled after one volume?

I am serperior

The Ultimate trainee
Yeah depsite pokespe have a lot of interesting topic to talk about the fandom tend to ignore it and only pay attention to the recent plot discussion this is my main gripe of the pokespe fandom
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