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Pokemon eXtra Demented


AKA Snagger Outlaw
A spinoff of Yoru Ryu's fic, it's the Pokemon XD version! Now with even more mistake and inconsistancies as the first!

Note from Snagger Outlaw: This is a parody. Don’t sue me, I have nothing.

(Cut the flash to Libra issue, Shadow Lugia is not worthy of your time yet.)
SHADOW LUGIA: (Sniffle) you’re so hurtful.

Part 1: He Lives Underground

MICHEAL: (Steps out of simulator, releases his only pokemon) … an Eevee? That’s it?
EEVEE: What did you expect? Rukario?
MICHAEL: … Yes, actually.
EEVEE: Sure, insult me further.
MICHEAL: (Decides to ignore Eevee and walk to the next room as a divine force commands him to) HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE!
LILY: … What?
MICHAEL: My mom is alive!
LILY: … yes Michael. I’m alive.
MICHAEL: Then what’s with Eevee’s trainer memo which I never took down?
LILY: It doesn’t say your father is dead. He just… lives underground… yeah…
KRANE: (Shifty eyes) be quiet both of you before a plot hole appears.
MICHAEL: Hey, aren't trainers supposed to be 10?
LILY: Shut up. Oh, Michael. Your sister has conveniently disappeared!
LILY: Will you-
MICHAEL AND LILY: -Go find her
MICHAEL: What next, I have to go to some creepy mansion to find her?
KRANE: How did you know?
(Map appears, Krane explains the area)
MICHAEL: So whenever I get sent on an errand a map pops up?
KRANE: Basically, yes.

(After mapification)

OUTLAW: The plot thickens like a starving child at McDonald’s!
AUDIENCE: That was in poor taste.
OUTLAW: Oh shut up. I don’t live to please every human on this earth. Jesus river dancing Christ on a trampoline…

(At Creepy Mansion)

MICHEAL: Uh… hi?
CHOBIN: (Walks out) Oh my! A thief!
MICHAEL: You got me mixed up. Ever though of removing the swirls from your glasses?
CHOBIN: Sharpie doesn’t wash off easily…
MICHAEL: (takes out nail polish remover, rubs it on Chobin’s glasses and the swirls disappear) Idiot… (Walks into mansion)

KAMINKO: Oh thank goodness! This bothersome child is calling me Vash!
JODI: Oh, Jodi is sorry!
KAMINKO: And she talks in the third person! Help meeeeee.
MICHAEL: Jodi, I told you not to speak in the third person.
JODI: Sometimes Jodi speaks in the third person and sometimes I don’t.
EEVEE: Well, this is creepy and all, but I have to go now!
MICHAEL: Me too!
JODI: Jodi three!
EEVEE: Someone PLEASE make her stop!
JODI: Jodi doesn’t like you.
EEVEE: Eevee doesn’t like you either. (growl) Later Vash.
KAMINKO: Stop calling me that!

MICHAEL: (Back at the lab) I completed my inane task…
KRANE: Wonderful! Now this random guy (Looks around, grabs random guy, who is dressed like a peon) finished the Snag Machine!
RANDOM GUY: Yay I guess…
KRANE: Now I’m going to explain how to use that and the Aura seeker!
OUTLAW: Um… I played the demo at the Comic-Con and beat Colosseum, do I really have to listen to this again?
KRANE: Yes, now smash A to get through this as fast as possible like a good little monkey.

(30 minutes of button smashing later…)

KRANE: And that’s how to operate the cup holder! Now how you operate the actual snag machine…

(Another 30 minutes of button smashing later…)

MICHAEL: Is it over?
KRANE: Just about.
MICHAEL: THANK YOU SUPREME BEING! (falls to his knees)
OUTLAW: Hail Cid.
KRANE: I said ‘just about’. We still need to go over the Aura Seeker.
MICHAEL: You just love to torment me, don’t you?
KRANE: Totally.

(AN HOUR of button smashing later…)

KRANE: And that’s how to operate the laser eyes! And now-
MICHAEL: Here, occupy yourself with an iPod. (Hands Krane an iPod)
KRANE: (Runs off to create another insanely long tutorial that requires TWO HOURS of button smashing. That evil little monkey.)

The button smashing was boring as hell


It's a bit boring.

But I give ya points for some comedy, especially Jodi talking in third-person, and length of this chapter.

I've never played XD but can the Eevee in this game talk human or something?
I'm confused.

I give this a 7 for a start. Hopefully the second chapter is better than the first and the mods accept this script-written fic in this site.


Butchimatic said:
It's a bit boring.

But I give ya points for some comedy, especially Jodi talking in third-person, and length of this chapter.

I've never played XD but can the Eevee in this game talk human or something?
I'm confused.

I give this a 7 for a start. Hopefully the second chapter is better than the first and the mods accept this script-written fic in this site.
Play XD now.

There are so many quirks with that game that makes this quite comical. If you played XD you would get a real kick out if it, trust me. I highly recondmend reading Cousin Woofer's XD System Crash comic too. There's so much to make fun of XD...