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Pokemon Fights

Why don't trainers tell their pokemon to take off and fight by themselves like a real battle.

Ex: No calling out attacks to the pokemon. That is cheesy! Let the pokemon do it themselves.


Do you think that would be good adaption of the battle system in the games - which, you know, the anime is based on? You command the Pokemon to use whichever attack you want, which the anime does.

Though, do you think they could've done that in the Battle Palace (which does pit Pokemon to battle all by themselves in the games)? Yes. Did they? No.


there's several things preventing this from happening.

1. Pokémon are not smart enough to use their abilities by themselves, they need a human to guide them in battle.

2. Even if they were smart enough, pokémon diolouge mostly consists of syablies of their names, plus other animalish sounds, The show would have almost no intelligent diolouge in battle scenes.

3. It would become way too confusing for people who don't play the games or otherwise, and the forums would be filled with threads like "What attack did so-and-so used in that battle against so-and-so.
there's several things preventing this from happening.

1. Pokémon are not smart enough to use their abilities by themselves, they need a human to guide them in battle.

2. Even if they were smart enough, pokémon diolouge mostly consists of syablies of their names, plus other animalish sounds, The show would have almost no intelligent diolouge in battle scenes.

3. It would become way too confusing for people who don't play the games or otherwise, and the forums would be filled with threads like "What attack did so-and-so used in that battle against so-and-so.

The trainers could teach them how to use their own attacks without them telling them and it's not so much that I feel that they should call out their attacks, but they should learn to fight by themselves, like real street fighters.


Old Coot
Letting a Pokemon run wild in battle is a dangerous thing. Not to mention, it would be the equivalent of a cockfight.


Thing is, Pokemon aren't real street fighters. -_- That would be cockfighting.

Pokemon + street fighters = lol

EDIT: Damn you Chris.

Reason for that is, sending a Pokemon out to battle alone is dangerous, the "trainer" has no part in the battle, and that could lead to the Pokemon fighting each other to the death; caused by not knowing when to stop. The main point of Pokemon battling is the trainer and Pokemon battling side-by-side together in order to concur a battle. Your idea totally ruins the concept (though, if they adapted the Battle Palace correctly, it would've been okay since the battles would be monitored and it puts the trainers' trust in their Pokemon to the test - stated in the game).
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Powerplay Champion
i dunno, i can't help feeling that a machoke would be a pretty good street fighter... that aside,
it would just be boring, it's fun to see trainers pull off crazy techniques.
Thing is, Pokemon aren't real street fighters. -_- That would be cockfighting.

Pokemon + street fighters = lol

EDIT: Damn you Chris.

Reason for that is, sending a Pokemon out to battle alone is dangerous, the "trainer" has no part in the battle, and that could lead to the Pokemon fighting each other to the death; caused by not knowing when to stop. The main point of Pokemon battling is the trainer and Pokemon battling side-by-side together in order to concur a battle. Your idea totally ruins the concept (though, if they adapted the Battle Palace correctly, it would've been okay since the battles would be monitored and it puts the trainers' trust in their Pokemon to the test - stated in the game).

Cockfights = coooooooool!!!!!!!!

Side by side = Cheezy, morals, 4kids, and LAME!!!!


Old Coot
Pokemon is a children's series. What the hell are you expecting?


Well-Known Member
if they let them run around and do what they want, ashes pikachu would use thunder on a diggleet,which he sometimes does anyway


Natsu no Maboroshi
Maybe the pokes are too dumb to fight by themselves, they need a trainer to command them.
Pokemon is a children's series. What the hell are you expecting?

Ok, so there's two things wrong here:

1. Cool monsters

2. A cheezy kodomo show with endless (bad)running gags.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Let me guess, are you a DBZ fan who likes your animes to have battle after battle after battle after battle, with blood, ENERGY BLASTS, and POWER LEVELS!!!!


Old Coot
Ok, so there's two things wrong here:

1. Cool monsters

2. A cheezy kodomo show with endless (bad)running gags.
1. Because we all know all of the Pokeymans are absolutely cool and tough looking!

2. ...Did-did you just say "kodomo?" Somebody get the paddle! We have a weeaboo here!

Seriously, Pokemon is a children's franchise all together. The games, the anime. Pretty much all the official merchandise made available is made for kids. Nintendo has made it a duty to inform parents that do not know much about Pokemon that it is not similar to cockfighting as they simply faint and do not keep injuries for very long.
when you think about it chances are that the kind of battles your thinking of do happen, i mean what are the chances that two wild pokemon would end up getting into a trainer free battle? fact is it can happen, would be no different from real animal fights


Old Coot
It would be different, yes. Most Pokemon don't live in the same kind of environment as the others, which would cause some nasty fights. Not to mention, say one trainer decides to just let his Pokemon fight for itself while the other trainer makes the commands. The wild one would be more prone to finishing off its opponent, even if the fight is done with.


Pokemon is a children's series. What the hell are you expecting?

It's more like involved to a teenage series.

But i like the Anime and the battles in Pokémon but they should say the attack like in Digimon instead of commands of the Trainer.


Old Coot
Um, no. No matter how you slice it, Pokemon always has been and will be a children's franchise.

Pokemon should say their attacks like in Digimon? Um, no.