Hello every one.
I have decided to write my fan fiction in the style of Coronis's Manga Summarys.
If you have any critasisms do tell as long as there constructive.
EX1 VS Plusle
A storm is brewing over Fiore. In the dark interior of a lorry a group of people in blue uniforms sit and stand. At the back a young woman is pouring over a crumbling book with the help of her Lanturn's fin lure. In the front of the lorry an Octillery steers with it's tentacles while it's owner a youngish man with spicky blond hair and a styalized skull and cross bones tatto on his left arm seats and looks at the drawing of an ancient map on his lap top.
In the raria forrest a young man with bleached blond hair and a dazzaling smile looks up at Swinub nestled in the top branchs of a nearby tree too terrified to move. Smilling calmly he reasures the young boy next to him that Swinub will be fine. The boy says nothing but looks up at his petrified Swinub. Winking the blond haried man who's name is Jake sends out his Dragonite George and orders it to use a Wing attack to flush out pokemon hiding in the bushs. The boy's worried expresion vanishes and he looks on in wonder as the huge dragons cuases the bushes to shake with the beating of it's masive wings. A swarm of Spinarks and Parass surge out of the wind blown bush. Taking out his capture Stylus Jake temporeraly catchs a Ariados with ease. Jake orders a Spider Web attack followed by a Stringshot. The Ariados uses it's Spider Web to cover Swinub in webs and reels it in using stringshot. Jake grins, tears the remains of the webbing off of the frighted hog pokemon and passes it back the boy.
Cuddling the little Swinub in his arms the boy thanks Jake for rescuing his beloved pet. Jake laughs and says he would be much of a ranger if he did'nt. Just then the pokenav like device in Jake's pocket beginns to beep. Ignoring it Jake turns to the boy and apolozies saying that he would stay and that but he is needed urgently in Ring town how ever he hopes that the boy and his Swinub stay safe and have a good time. The boy and the little hog pokemon watch in awe as Jake flys of into the distance on his Dragonite.
Flying high over Fiore Jake looks down across the forests below and thinks how much he loves this place. and how proud he is to protect it. Patting his Dragonite on the head he points south and urges it to fly on to ring town.
In Ring town a girl with blue hair and a bandanna is watching the sky with her Plusle for Jake's arival, when she spots his Dragonite flying towards them in the distance she lets out a cry of indignation and rushs in to the nearby building.
Jake's Dragonite gracefuly decends onto the lawn outside the new looking building. Jake is greeted by a young man with iron grey hair standing in the doorway. Jake greets the man, Spensor and asks him what is so important as to call him back from his holiday, is'nt Ranger. Net satisfied with his work?.
Spenser smiles and shakes his head saying that Ranger. Net belive Jake to be with out a doubt the finest ranger in the country. This remark causes the girl behind Spenser to sweat drop and scawl at Jake who apears not to notice her. Noticing the look on the girls face Spenser hurridly exclaims to Jake the it was infact the Pokemon Asociation what needed his help. The girl who's name is Hana glares while the Plusle on her shoulder looks aprehensivly at the storm clouds on the horizion. Jake smiles at Hana and fliks his hair back which antagonises her even more.
Noticing the dark clouds and the anger between the two rangers growing Spenser sugests they go inside and he will explain every thing around the while they sit in the warm. Jake follows Spenser into the building quickly glad to get out of the way of the oncomming storm. Hana stands for a while staring at the ominus clouds untill she too heads into the building and closes the door.
Out in the stormy sea of Fiore a blue light flikers below the surface...
I have decided to write my fan fiction in the style of Coronis's Manga Summarys.
If you have any critasisms do tell as long as there constructive.
EX1 VS Plusle
A storm is brewing over Fiore. In the dark interior of a lorry a group of people in blue uniforms sit and stand. At the back a young woman is pouring over a crumbling book with the help of her Lanturn's fin lure. In the front of the lorry an Octillery steers with it's tentacles while it's owner a youngish man with spicky blond hair and a styalized skull and cross bones tatto on his left arm seats and looks at the drawing of an ancient map on his lap top.
In the raria forrest a young man with bleached blond hair and a dazzaling smile looks up at Swinub nestled in the top branchs of a nearby tree too terrified to move. Smilling calmly he reasures the young boy next to him that Swinub will be fine. The boy says nothing but looks up at his petrified Swinub. Winking the blond haried man who's name is Jake sends out his Dragonite George and orders it to use a Wing attack to flush out pokemon hiding in the bushs. The boy's worried expresion vanishes and he looks on in wonder as the huge dragons cuases the bushes to shake with the beating of it's masive wings. A swarm of Spinarks and Parass surge out of the wind blown bush. Taking out his capture Stylus Jake temporeraly catchs a Ariados with ease. Jake orders a Spider Web attack followed by a Stringshot. The Ariados uses it's Spider Web to cover Swinub in webs and reels it in using stringshot. Jake grins, tears the remains of the webbing off of the frighted hog pokemon and passes it back the boy.
Cuddling the little Swinub in his arms the boy thanks Jake for rescuing his beloved pet. Jake laughs and says he would be much of a ranger if he did'nt. Just then the pokenav like device in Jake's pocket beginns to beep. Ignoring it Jake turns to the boy and apolozies saying that he would stay and that but he is needed urgently in Ring town how ever he hopes that the boy and his Swinub stay safe and have a good time. The boy and the little hog pokemon watch in awe as Jake flys of into the distance on his Dragonite.
Flying high over Fiore Jake looks down across the forests below and thinks how much he loves this place. and how proud he is to protect it. Patting his Dragonite on the head he points south and urges it to fly on to ring town.
In Ring town a girl with blue hair and a bandanna is watching the sky with her Plusle for Jake's arival, when she spots his Dragonite flying towards them in the distance she lets out a cry of indignation and rushs in to the nearby building.
Jake's Dragonite gracefuly decends onto the lawn outside the new looking building. Jake is greeted by a young man with iron grey hair standing in the doorway. Jake greets the man, Spensor and asks him what is so important as to call him back from his holiday, is'nt Ranger. Net satisfied with his work?.
Spenser smiles and shakes his head saying that Ranger. Net belive Jake to be with out a doubt the finest ranger in the country. This remark causes the girl behind Spenser to sweat drop and scawl at Jake who apears not to notice her. Noticing the look on the girls face Spenser hurridly exclaims to Jake the it was infact the Pokemon Asociation what needed his help. The girl who's name is Hana glares while the Plusle on her shoulder looks aprehensivly at the storm clouds on the horizion. Jake smiles at Hana and fliks his hair back which antagonises her even more.
Noticing the dark clouds and the anger between the two rangers growing Spenser sugests they go inside and he will explain every thing around the while they sit in the warm. Jake follows Spenser into the building quickly glad to get out of the way of the oncomming storm. Hana stands for a while staring at the ominus clouds untill she too heads into the building and closes the door.
Out in the stormy sea of Fiore a blue light flikers below the surface...