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Pokemon Gamer


this is my site, http://pokemongamer.co.nr/ , it is still being worked on and i need help with it to make it better, so PM me on this or on the forums in the link on the site. THX!!!!!


that is all.;026; ;026; ;136;

i need helpers to help with the site, this is what i need.

OKay this is my site, pokemon gamer, we still need help with it but i am planning to make it a great site, but again, we need help.

So if u wanna help then CLICK HERE TO GO TO POKEMON GAMER!!!

and either pm me on serebii or on the pokemongamer forums.

Ok! Thats about all so THX and i hope u guys help!

Right Now I need a
Pokemon Battle Revoulution Writer
Pokemon Ranger Writer
Pokemon Trozei Writer
Pokemon GSC Writer
Pokemon RBY Writer
and probably a lot more, i just dont feel like posting them **PLS VISIT**

THX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
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Well-Known Member
ill try i play MD,ranger R/E/FR/silver/red/yellow


hooray, it's Jetx!
Apart from Mystery dungeoun and items, the entire site revolves around the forums. You opened far too early.


well, thats because we just started, i am looking for help and people to right stuff for me, so if anyone wants to help it would be appreciated.


Super spriter
preset freewebs site layouts ruin even a good site, with your they ruined a not so good site, get good content before making a site, or at least get an original idea to entice viewers, serebii has all the stuff your site has and hundred of times more



i know, i just thought i could try to do something and apparently everyone hates it...


When you open a site, it needs to have content that will make people interested. Not to sound harsh, but putting up a site that has little content and says "but we just started" isn't going to hook anyone.

If you are serious about making a site, I suggest you close it down, work hard on some original content, and then when you open it, people have a reason to stay. By all means, get staff to help you, but releasing a site to the critical eye of the public when it has little content draws people away, so they won't see your updates; they won't be monitoring the site.

Also, I'd suggest you not use chatspeak. "if u wanna help with it pm me on the forums!" is rather unprofessional, and repels people who want an easy read.

These are merely my suggestions, feel free to disagree if you want.


Okay, well we have a pokedex in the working now and it is getting more progressive.

If anyone does want to help the please PM me.


i put credit goes to PE2K for the sprites on the affiliates page.



The thing is, though, you're actually hotlinking, not using without credit. What you need to do is download the sprites you want to use from PE2K, then upload them to your server or Imageshack/Photobucket/Some other image/file host, and then use them from that server. With hotlinking / direct linking, you're not stealing the images necessarily, but you're stealing their bandwidth.

With your affiliates page, you're making out like Netbattle and PE2K are affiliated with you, which they're not.