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Pokemon Garden


a huddleflash
Oh, I wish I could read japanese so I could play that. I mean, really play it.


Well-Known Member
yeah i went to the rooms and just clicked the buttons to say stuff just absolutely randomly. and every one (12 ppl) left the room after giving me frowny faces. it was funny and mean, and funny all at the smae time


a huddleflash
yeah i went to the rooms and just clicked the buttons to say stuff just absolutely randomly. and every one (12 ppl) left the room after giving me frowny faces. it was funny and mean, and funny all at the smae time

It's an online game between other people?!!???!?


Slow and steady baby
I wish i knew Japanese...

Stupid game, that isn't really stupid, but i'm calling it stupid, BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW JAPANESE!

Jinchuuriki Hunter

Johto Champion Ninja
....Are you talking about that part where you choose the character? Then you walk around talking to people who tell you stuff you don't understand? That's not an online game, thats an interactive news self-discoverer thing. You walk around and click on certain objects to get the latest info on Pokémon Diamond/Pearl. It is not a game, no battles, no contests, no Pokémon (actually there are but they don't do anything except cry when you double click them), you're the only "real" person there.

Jinchuuriki Hunter

Johto Champion Ninja
....whoah, those were doors?! I never knew! It seems to me as though they are seperate doors for Kanto, Johto and Hoenn. I think you can battle other people online there. I'll try it out sometime.

Jinchuuriki Hunter

Johto Champion Ninja
I've explored it a bit more. Turns out you can't battle...
But you still meet other people there. They can use either emoticons or the chat option. A few words are available in the chat including Pokémon, interjections and others. I understand a bit of Japanese.