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Pokemon GoGoGo

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Codenumber 242
Ooookkkaaayyy...This is a strange game. Apperently Pikachu is obeese and Meowth throws Pies to damage you...I quit halfway through the levels, mostly because I suck at platformer games. But, meh.


Pokemon Trainer
Yeah the game is hard I can't get pass the first level


Codenumber 242
Jizg, you're my favourite YouTube guy, you know what. I have watched pretty much all your Battle Frontier vids. Also, I HAVE played the game, and decided to watch, then copy coz it was my first time, so don't try thinking I'm copying EVERYTHING you say.


I like mangos!
Jizg, you're my favourite YouTube guy, you know what. I have watched pretty much all your Battle Frontier vids. Also, I HAVE played the game, and decided to watch, then copy coz it was my first time, so don't try thinking I'm copying EVERYTHING you say.

Sorry for any misunderstanding, and I dont mind to begin with. It just seems odd that you would take one of my comments and repost it pretty much word for word, copying me or not.


Codenumber 242
Don't worry. Your on my buddy list. I can't see to get a YouTube account, only for comments and ratings and stuff. Not for vids. I just can't make one, and my Mum won't let me. DARN IT!
Going to the Recent happenings Mystery Dungeon.


Well-Known Member
Pokemon GoGoGo is a hack of a Smurfs game on GameBoy

GBC Pokemon versions Diamond and Jade are JUST HOMEBREW ROMS! NOT REAL!


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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