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Pokemon Gold and Crystal in Quaker Bridge Mall?

A couples of days ago I saw some old pokemon games including Gold and Crystal. Today's my pay day. If I save $20.00 of what I earned now, I just might be able to buy those games. I miss ;

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Demonic Warrior
They are sold for 14 99 or even 6 99 canadian near here, but there are limited supplies, it depends if people sell to them (used copies)

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
BlueEyesUltamiteDragon204 said:
A couples of days ago I saw some old pokemon games including Gold and Crystal. Today's my pay day. If I save $20.00 of what I earned now, I just might be able to buy those games. I miss ;231; ;202; ;201-f; ;201-d; ;223; ;245; ;158; ;172; ;165; ;076; ;178; ;083; ;098; ;002; and ;101;
smilie abuse makes Phanpy cry!

but anyway you can't them where I live but I already own them :p

Ford Sucks

Wow, for used games, that's kind of a rip-off. At Game Stop (my local one anyway) You can get them for a few bucks cheaper.


there is a Xchange where i live and i can buy used ones for $1 and new ones for like $5