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Pokemon heights


Junior Field Assista
I noticed that the pokedex gives the heights of various pokemon, but those don't make sense to me. Like for instance, Fearow is stated to be 3'11" tall, but that's not exactly large especially if its trainer is supposed to fly on it.

My question is, do I use the canon heights (from the games/pokedex) when describing my pokemon, or can I use whatever height I think seems right to me?


Well-Known Member
I find describing their exact heights to be overdetailing it. Generally a single word of description is enough eg, short, tall, huge.


Junior Field Assista
I don't mean putting the exact heights in the fic. I mean, I can't really write that Fearow is a large bird (which can be ridden) when it's actually pretty small

Seijiro Mafuné

The latter.

I'd say that, for Pokémon, either the height/weight thing is based off the AVERAGE specimen (which may not be the one you're using), or off some weird calculations (Regi case).

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
For most of them, it's probably be an average. But for evolved ones, I had a theory:

The Pokedex height for evolved Pokemon would be how tall it was right when it evolved, and assuming that it evolved by age and wasn't heavily trained. (From a game standpoint, no EV's or something like that.)

But of course, describing them using feet/meters/whatev is pointless, cause you wouldn't be able to tell at first glance anyway. =P



Use whatever heights that best fit in your fic for you. Even the anime makes pokemon size changes, such as Swellow being three times larger. If someone demands a canonical explanation, just say its "an evolution thing"


I treat the pokédex statistics as merely an average. Humans have an average height of 5'6, but most people are taller or shorter then that.

Even the anime streaches their canon statistics, look at Drew's Roselia, it's at least twice as big as it's supposed to be.


Irredeemable Nerd
personally, I've tossed the heights out the window...I've grown up the Legendaries up quite a bit, dereased the height of others, etc.

something to keep in mind, however, is that for dogs and horses, the heights are measured at the shoulders (or withers).

that makes most of the horses quite a bit bigger, if you don't measure the horses/dogs to the tips of the ears with their heads all the way up.


Really and truly
Well, you should never give exact heights and weights in the first place. Not only is it almost impossible for a character to tell at a simple glance (unless the Pokémon is standing on a slace or something) but the reader simply isn't going to remember that the Articuno that just appeared is seven and a half feet tall, especially since it's hard to imagine heights and weights in the first place. >>

But to actually answer your question, a Pokémon doesn't have to be of the height that it says in the 'Dex entry. Not only could it be an average (like with humans, even though our average height could be within a huge margin I'm still taller than 95% of all girls my age XD) but you could also just so happen to have a character who is abnormally short or tall. It happens with humans all the time, so who's to say it doesn't happen with Pokémon? XD

And as mentioned, it isn't as if the canon has never messed up heights before. >>
So don't worry about it too much if your Fearow is big enough to be ridden. I'm not going with the canon 'Ursaring weight 277 pounds'. Ursaring is the Pokémon grizzly bear, and those things can often weight somewhere around 700 hundred pounds. My Ursaring character is going to be realistically big. :3



Well-Known Member
Yeah pokedex height is an average. In GCS you can catch Magikarp an a guy will measure them. I got one 5 feet 1 inch long, And in emerald in sootopolis a guy measures your lotad and seedot height and in RS a guy measures boarboach