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Pokemon High


Pokemon High



High School was never my favorite time in my life as a Pokemon. It was harder to do well in class, and my parents pressured me to do well in life and tried to teach me the necessary tools to do so. I was always called the geek in the class, as I always got good grades. Track was also good for me. I was the quickest water Pokemon in the school, but I always tried to be modest about it, but the other kids in school wouldn’t ever let me. But this year will be different, I just know it. I have a feeling that my parents may give me the boost of encouragement that I always needed.

School may be different than what you humans may be used to. We all have balanced classes. Some of us are good at things that require physical actions, and some of us are better at things that require our special skills. We also get tested on our speed, which is why there is mandatory track. When I would score a record time, I’d always feel horrible for the Farfetch’d at the Air Track that got yelled at by Coach Ninjask and the Shuckle that couldn’t make it a quarter way through the Land Track and needed to be carried by Coach Jolteon to the finish. I had Coach Starmie, one of my own. He knew I was fast, and pushed me hard. He always entered me in track meets and I’d bring back medals because of that extra work. I never liked the extra work and training, but I was proud to have accomplishments, but didn’t let it show.

Our classes are interesting. They are usually taught by Metagross, Alakazam, Gengar, and Espeon, but sometimes you may have a speech class by Exeggutor or an AP Class taught by Gardevoir. They are hard on you the majority of the time, but in good reason. They all are good in every subject and want you to show that same ability. Coach Salamence is our Gym Coach. We used to like him when he was a Shelgon and didn’t do anything but sit around and block our balls in dodgeball and go on the line when we played football, but we knew that his 50th Birthday was over the summer, and that meant he evolved, ready to cause pain, as we all knew most Salamence would leave you hurt for days after a simple tackle.

I got my schedule, and was very happy with my courses:
1: AP Physics – Professor Metagross
2: AP Physics – Professor Metagross
3: Gym – Coach Salamence
4: AP Calculus – Professor Gardevoir
5: Lunch
6: AP Calculus – Professor Gardevoir
7: AP Literature and Comprehension 3 – Professor Gengar
8: AP Literature and Comprehension 3 – Professor Gengar
9. Botany – Professor Exeggutor
10: Water Track – Coach Starmie​

I guess I forgot to tell you humans of why there is no History of Hoenn class, as that would be my course as a junior, on my schedule. I took it and History of Shinou in summer school! I wonder if I sound at all nerdish to you humans?

“Staryu!” My parents yelled from across our house’s corridor, “Come here, there is a surprise waiting for you.”

I squealed in glee! Was this the confidence boost I waited for? I levitated and spun, rotating my 5 brown arms quickly down the narrow corridor and entered the capacious master bedroom were my parents were waiting for me. Their 10 purple arms were levitating and their gems were sparkling, which meant they were happy. I waited for a good surprise.

“Sweetie, for your good work last year and over the summer, we have decided to give you a present,” Mom said, and it seemed that water was leaking from her jewel. It must have been a milestone. I was worried, and my round gem was starting to blink. I was being exposed to some type of radiation. I had a feeling of what the present was, but I didn’t want to ruin it for Mom and Dad, so I controlled my blinking until I unwrapped the present.

“Staryu, or should I say Starmie, here is your present, a brand new Water Stone!” Dad exclaimed. I was in complete awe. Even though I knew what it was, I was so surprised to evolve now. I was thinking I’d have to get my own Water Stone in College, but I decided not to make my parents wait will all my thinking, I didn’t want them to think I didn’t want it. “Thank you so much Mom and Dad. I’ll take it now.”

Dad used his psychic powers to move the stone towards me, and the radiation engulfed me in a bright light. I was then asked, “Staryu, would you like to evolve now, or wait?”

“Yes, I would like to take this opportunity early,” I said, terrified at this rite of passage.

“So be it, when the light dulls down and is invisible on your body, you’ll have 10 arms, and a purple body. Finish the evolution process now!”

When the light was no longer seen, I looked totally different. My gem was more of a 3D octagon, and I had a second set of arms that always rotated, which I enjoyed. “Thank you,” I said once again, offering thanks to my parents, as they let me have this opportunity.

“You have to be ready for next year Starmie, go to bed,” Dad said, meaning no nonsense.

“Yes, sir,” I replied, and I headed towards my room.

I turned off my light and jumped in my water tank, and I thought to myself, “This will be the best year yet. I know there will be tons of surprises, and the classes will be awesome!” Before I got jittery, I sunk to the bottom of my tank to get my well needed rest.


Author's Notes

Hello. I decided, to right something about if Pokemon could experience real life. I thought that the most real part of life is High School, so I decided to use that as a start. I hope you enjoy my fic, as I try to use real life elements with Pokemon.

Character Bio #1

Pokemon: Staryu/Starmie

Age/Year: 16/Junior
Personality Type: Modest
Small Bio: Staryu has always been the one to excel, but never wanted to look like he was better, when he was. He cares for everyone andwants everyone to do well in life's little journey. As a Starmie, things have changed for the better for him. He got more confidence and believes he can do good things in the world. He's still modest, but can accept his accolades without getting embarrased.

I hope you like my fic and all criticism is accepted.
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Well-Known Member
This is... interesting. I was always the brainiac in high school, though I let it be known. Still, AP classes in junior year? My school didn't offer them (save for AP US/World History) till senior year, and didn't offer any AP for the sciences.

You really only describe Staryu/tarmie and his parents, and a little on Coach Salamence's personality. But I assume you're waiting until you get to a classroom setting to do that.

Also consider after-school activities. Sports, student council, debate/math/chess teams.

This first installment is a bit short, but it's off to a good start. And this coming from a guy who normally doesn't read Pokemon POV fics :)


<- so cute <3
this could do well if written good and you seem to be a good writer
i think this may do quite well but remember these are pokemon so dont make them seem too human


*** breath
It's unique i'll give you that but it doesn't really say "fanfic to me" it's not generic but then again that would of made this story better, a hell of a lot better. Seems like some sort of de-sexed pokemon fetish

so it's for your own good when I say "this story is LAME/10!"
Here is a mistake you made:

Dad used his psychic powers to move the stone towards me, and the radiation engulfed me in a bright light. I was then asked, “Staryu, would you like to evolve know, or wait?”

It should be this

Dad used his psychic powers to move the stone towards me, and the radiation engulfed me in a bright light. I was then asked, “Staryu, would you like to evolve now, or wait?”


Thanks for all the criticism. I'll work on my fic. I haven't done the second chapter, incase this was bad, so I'll start on it later.



I'm Back
When I first saw the title I was like, who stole my Fic But then I realized how completely different they were. I really like yours keep at it please.


Jello Pokéballs
I've never liked the idea of pokemon as little furred humans in school settings:p. As it is I think it is more than a bit unfair that certain pokemon that would fail horrorablity in certain classes are forced to do them anyway, most of all in the PE type classes..You would think they would have lower level classes for those that needed it (I had special ed PE classes in high school so they are real, thank you :) )
I always tried to be modest about it, but the other kids in school wouldn’t ever let me
He sounds very..gary stu, and not in a good way. Maybe you should give him more realistic flaws...


Thanks for the reviews. I'm sorry for the delay. Maybe Wednesday is a good day for me to update, so I'll start the next chapter maybe tomorrow.