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Pokemon iDeaS

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ghost master

the kawaiist thing
First of all I would like to say how long its been since I've been to the D/P section. Mainly because I was overwhelmed with things but, now that the mods have taken control I now see a sea of locked threads.
Anyway when looking at games like Nintendogs and other games I see the games could really work well and other games should've just stayed as GBA games. From the few details we have it seems that gamefreak wants to revolutionize the series and make some radical changes. I think that some features would work well. It should stay 2D, mic compatible, touch screen used, and wi-fi. I think it should keep its 2D roots. Mic would be neat. In Nintendogs when you tried learning a new trick there would be a time where you speak into the mic and say what you want to call it. Suppose you have bulbasaur and it reached the right level to learn razor leaf. It says bulbasaur wants to learn razor leaf remove one attack. Once you eliminate a move you have to speak into the DS whatever you want to call razor leaf. Ex. Instead of saying razor leaf you can say leaf and when you say that in battle it performs that attack. Also in battle you can use the touch screen to actually control where the pokemon moves. It would allow more complexity. Instead of just standing their you could use the touch screen to move your pokemon to dodge and their wouldn't really be turns you would just move and say an attack and perform the attack. Also their would be alternatives. instead of using the touch screen you can at the beggining teach your pokemon to dodge by just speaking to the mic. Also in battle you could use A, B, X and Y for the 4 attacks to use in battle. Select is used to pause the battle and choose items. I'm sorry I don't have a creative idea for outside of battles but, all I can think of is using the touch screen as a menu. Wi-fi is a duh and online and pokemon were meant to be together. Any ideas for what could be used.


Err...You didn't see the Gameplay Ideas sticky? How in the blue balls could you have missed THAT? o_O

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