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~Pokemon Idol~

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~Shadow Espeon~

I did it!!
Some of you may remember the old pokemon idol thread that for awhile was a popular thread and a fav of mine. Well I'm reviving it.

Owner - ~Shadow Espeon~
Co-Owner - Volteon

1.Make your vote clear
2.No double/triple posting
3.No swearing
4.No bashing/flaming


The first round will be the same as the round in the other idol... There will be a list of pokemon icons and you may vote for three. Give each one vote and the first ten to get three votes move on. Votation is once a day...

Voting may begin!

(I will start with my vote)

Beequen, Gastly and Starmie

;165; ~ 3
;307; ~ 3
;010; ~ 3
;416; ~ 2
;273; ~ 3
;092; ~ 2
;296; ~ 3
;148; ~ 3
;388; ~ 3
;396; ~ 3
;224; ~ 3
;121; ~ 2
;127; ~ 3
;155; ~ 3
;282; ~ 3
;235; ~ 3
;284; ~ 3
;287; ~ 3
;007; ~ 3
;086; ~ 3

(The numbers are how many more votes the pokemon needs to move on!)
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Is Back Finally!
yah i could be a talliest if u want... i dont get how to vote tho? do we vote for the ones we dont like or what?

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
I vote Dragonair, Gardevoir, and Strarmie!

Shoudn't this be in the game section?


Back I guess??
Yay! This Face-off returned! One of my favorite too ;D

Masquerain! (4th fav. Poké)
Beequeen (Creative Bug)
And Cyndaquil! (Favorite fire =D)

I see Starmie is in Hollywood xD

~Shadow Espeon~

I did it!!
Sorry if I gave bad directions...

You vote for the pokemon you like... The first ten to get three votes move on to the next round...

To EA - You got the job

Jonessodaco.Chris - If I need another tallyist I will PM you but for now I dont think I need two...

;165; ~ 3
;307; ~ 3
;010; ~ 3
;416; ~ 1
;273; ~ 3
;092; ~ 2
;296; ~ 3
;148; ~ 1
;388; ~ 2
;396; ~ 3
;224; ~ 2
;127; ~ 2
;155; ~ 1
;282; ~ 1
;235; ~ 3
;284; ~ 2
;287; ~ 3
;007; ~ 2
;086; ~ 3

In the next Round:

~Sorry about that mistake... I edited the scores(Along with T Lords votes)
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Brains for brawn
Octillery, Pinsir, and... um...

First Pokémon I ever obtained, though I like quite a few others.
;165; - 3
;307; - 3
;010; - 3
;416; - 1
;273; - 3
;092; - 2
;296; - 3
;148; - 1
;388; - 2
;396; - 3
;224; - 1
;127; - 1
;155; - 1
;282; - 1
;235; - 3
;284; - 2
;287; - 3
;007; - 1
;086; - 3

In the next round:

~Shadow Espeon~

I did it!!
I vote for Gardevoir, Cyndaquil and Beequeen

;165; - 3
;307; - 3
;010; - 3
;273; - 3
;092; - 2
;296; - 3
;148; - 1
;388; - 2
;396; - 3
;224; - 1
;127; - 1
;235; - 3
;284; - 2
;287; - 3
;007; - 1
;086; - 3

In the next round:

Continue to vote!


Mukkuru, Dragonair, and Squirtle


Celebi Clone
I vote Mukkuru, Squirtle and Dragonair
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