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Pokemon Jokes :D


Kill `em!
Here we can write jokes about Pokemon! I'll start with few jokes:

Max says to May:
- Can you give me your picture, please?
- Why?
- Because I'm collecting Pokemon cards!

Chuck Norris caught all 386 Pokemon in time of less than 27 seconds! But no one is perfect, and even he has forgotten about other 114...

Why jokes about Pokemon are so short?
So Ash can understand them!
And why he doesn't understand them?
Because it's Ash Ketchum!

Pikachu comes to Brock, Max, May and Misty and says
- Pika-pi, Pi-Pikachu! (Ash was kidnapped by Team Rocket!)
- Here's your cookie, Pikachu - said Brock
- Pika-piiii, Pi-Pikachu!! (Ash was kidnapped by Team Rocket!)
- Here, have another one - said May
- Pika, chu? (Can I have another one?)
- What? Ash was kidnapped by Team Rocket?! QUICK!!!

And a picture:
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Kitsune Winterheart

Wintry Lights
Yay! I liked from the last joke, but sorry, I don't know any pokemon jokes. -_-; But that ''tokemon'' picture wasn't funny at all. I personally hate it a bit.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I started a thread like this, but it gotten no answers and is dead by now.

Anyway, i liked the last joke!

I cant come up with any jokes now, maybe later.


Natsu no Maboroshi
LOL The last one is good.


yep...but only the last one...

oh and btw that tokemon thing...REMOVE it! >< come on that's not funny in any way at all!

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
ýóú don't lack humor... the only thing that's cool here is the Mona Lisa pic, well edited, but no humor at all

i agree with you i supppose...except that i found that pikachu/misty/brock joke eversoslightly funny...or it made me smirk...


Queen of Charizards!
OH i got a joke

What do you call a brown Pupitar?
A POOPitar


-swampert used gasp!
i'm sure everyone knows this joke but,

how do you get a pikachu on a bus?

(i know its spelt pokemon btw)


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry it's very corny and a lot of you know it but....
Which pokemon is low fat?


Kill `em!
A picture: