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Pokemon : Kanto X


Maneachicken on PC

Woah! Guess who's Back!

Yeah, Its Me, Chiz!

Comic follows the Adventures of Red and Gold, two young Newbie trainers as they battle thier way through Kanto in thier Quests to Collect the 8 Pokemon League badges, and to rid the land of Team Rocket. They often encounter Proffesor Oak's other two youngsters, Blue, Oak's Grandson, and Green. There shall often be other twists and turns, so that the comic avoids slipping to the simple Generic Low.


Episode 1~ (17/09/06)
Episode 2~ (18/09/06)
Episode 3~ (27/09/06)
Episode 4~ (15/10/06)
Episode 5~ (22/10/06)


Pokemon Elite 2000
Virtual Gameboy Atlas
Mewtwo Man
Last edited:


r u srs?
- Your third comic doesn't use a "direct link" which shows us a lot of ads and stuff. Not that big of a deal.

- Do you really need to have the banner at the top of every comic? It just takes up space and distracts the reader.

- The story is generic. You might want to put in those "other twists and turns" into the plot as fast as you can, because right now this comic looks very cliche.

- Is this one of those "serious" comics, or is a comic that's supposed to be funny?


Maneachicken on PC
- Your third comic doesn't use a "direct link" which shows us a lot of ads and stuff. Not that big of a deal.

- Do you really need to have the banner at the top of every comic? It just takes up space and distracts the reader.

- The story is generic. You might want to put in those "other twists and turns" into the plot as fast as you can, because right now this comic looks very cliche.

- Is this one of those "serious" comics, or is a comic that's supposed to be funny?

1. I'll get that fixed
2. Meh. I thought it looked kinda cool. I'll get it removed?
3. They'll be here soon. Patience is a virtue. (I need to get to Veridian!!!)
4. Mostly Serious. There will be 'some' comedy.


r u srs?
2. Meh. I thought it looked kinda cool. I'll get it removed?
You don't have to get rid of all of it. You can still have a small part at the top saying "Pokemon: Kanto X", you just don't need a huge sign that takes up too much space.