Approved by PsiUmbreon
This is a real thinking game. It requires you to use the full potential of your brain.
What it is:
Using only 9 numbers, each with various letters, players must identify a hidden Pokemon or Pokemon related subject (Elite Four member, anime eps etc.) within those numbers. SPACES indicate a space between words
What to do:
One players posts up a set of numbers and other members must correctly guess what is hidden. The winner then puts up a new code.
A clue must be included as well, this can get difficult. To make things more challenging, a one word clue!
Here are the numbers/letters: Record them if needed
1: -
2: ABC
3: DEF
4: GHI
5: JKL
6: MNO
8: TUV
EXAMPLE: 7452248
A famous rodent
ANSWER: Pikachu
Everyone get it? Good. I'll start. Remember, guess right and you post up a new combo, AFTER the quizmaster says so.
Ready, here it starts (easy one to begin):
A cute Legendary Pokemon that can be caught in Emerald
This is a real thinking game. It requires you to use the full potential of your brain.
What it is:
Using only 9 numbers, each with various letters, players must identify a hidden Pokemon or Pokemon related subject (Elite Four member, anime eps etc.) within those numbers. SPACES indicate a space between words
What to do:
One players posts up a set of numbers and other members must correctly guess what is hidden. The winner then puts up a new code.
A clue must be included as well, this can get difficult. To make things more challenging, a one word clue!
Here are the numbers/letters: Record them if needed
1: -
2: ABC
3: DEF
4: GHI
5: JKL
6: MNO
8: TUV
EXAMPLE: 7452248
A famous rodent
ANSWER: Pikachu
Everyone get it? Good. I'll start. Remember, guess right and you post up a new combo, AFTER the quizmaster says so.
Ready, here it starts (easy one to begin):
A cute Legendary Pokemon that can be caught in Emerald
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