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Pokemon Learning League



I was looking through one of the topics and found this link, but I thougt something like this mertited its own thread.

What do you think of them using Pokemon as an educational tool? I watched some of the lessons, and so far, I reccomend it. The voices sound a bit....out of place, but things like this always have that kind of problem.


Serial Fangirl
I find it really cute and fun. It's a pretty fun way to teach kids about all sorts of things without boring them...

Uchiha Madara

the /k/ommando
You should se "Area of a Circle!" Misty's Psyduck is even more of an idiot! (and.. he doesn't know how to swim...)
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Serial Fangirl
Lol. He can't swim in the Anime either xD.


The new tuxedo look!
Hey, that's a pretty good idea.


christian 4ever
its cute and fun i go there to remember some stuff when i was like in 3rd grade.....but know that im 12 i just enjoy watching it


Borderline Troll
If you would like to learn, I recommend it. If you are an Advanceshipper, I reccomend.