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Pokemon Legandz: Team Unite


Werk, Werk, Werk
Yeah I finally made my sprite comic well at least a page > < . So I thought I should post it.

Note: Evrey 4 parts is one episode.

Well since my comic has no intro I should post some thing here.....

Team Rocket Magma and Aqua have formed together for one thing. They want to gather the uber pokemon to use them to create the ultimate pokemon. officer jenny rectuited someone to try to stop these teams from destruction. So we find our hero Tak here training his pokemon in a battle...

Episode 1: Battle Ship!
Part A http://img49.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pokemonepisode1kp6.png
Part B http://img157.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pokemonepi1partbup4.png
Part C http://img117.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pokemonepipartcld3.png


Christmas http://img80.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pokemonchristmasspecialwb0.png
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Its oGood for a first try, just a couple things

1) Font is way to small
2) Did the kid just jump like 10 ft. to get behind the rocket grunts???
3) You shoudl ahve connected the whoel watergun to seel's mouth.

Very good for a first try. Its betetr than most of the beginner comics here.
Just fix those couple things and the comic should be good.
I like the nice use of facial expressions and MD sprites.
Just work on those things and it should be Awsome.


the only thing I see bad is that it's fuzzy see if you can fix that.