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Pokemon:Legendary Guardians

I know the name sux but its about two pokemon. 1 is the guardian of thesea, 1 is the guardian of the land.Anyway, here it is:
Ep 1
Credits: Pokemon Elite 2000 Sprites
Last edited:
Well, its ok, but it could be better.
1)Dont use paint default colors Xo
2)Lines and textboxes need work
3)Look shotty, you probably saved as JPG.
4)Terrible backrounds

Although I do like how you used the backspritew of slwopoke.
Overall this is a C, take the time to fix the mistakes and work on it.

Reign G

Roggen and Rolan
It's alright, except lucario isn't a legend;. And by that, neither is his Preevolution. Still, it is interesting. But you may nto want to use the battle poses, they're very limited.