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Pokemon LEGENDS: Z-A - General Discussion/Speculation Thread


Well-Known Member
You know what, I'd be ok if Piplup doesn't end up being the water starter for ZA if it meant that we could get Inteleon with a regional variant.

I really dig Intelleon's concept, the entirety of it, i love all the tricks built into its design (water gun finger pistols, fencing tail, scope/night vision eye lids, gliding membrane, sticky climbing hands and camouflage). I just want it to have a stronger design.

I like Intelleon but I can also acknowledge that a new form would really help it. It becoming dual typed would help it stand out and allow it's movepool to improve. If it were to end up as a starter in Z_A that would be an excellent time for it to be upgraded.


You know what, I'd be ok if Piplup doesn't end up being the water starter for ZA if it meant that we could get Inteleon with a regional variant.

I really dig Intelleon's concept, the entirety of it, i love all the tricks built into its design (water gun finger pistols, fencing tail, scope/night vision eye lids, gliding membrane, sticky climbing hands and camouflage). I just want it to have a stronger design.
Khu has implied that the original Kalos starters, possibly with a certain new toy they should've gotten a decade ago, are back.


Sketcher of Smeargles
As I've said, they're probably in the wild, just like the Sinnoh starters were in Legends Arceus.
Most likely the case

I do wonder, if the game is entirely set in Lumiouse City. I do believe instead of normal encounter rates, we would be tasked with collecting resources and constructing buildings, amenities and structures that will not only unlock more mechanics and parts of the city, but also attract certain Pokemon to appear more.

Like, if battle enough Pidove in the park garden, we get resources from them that we can build a Ornamental Pidovecote. Which will boost the odds and variety of flying types in said area. As an example.

So having some starters in the wild would also be a pretty good incentive for that.

However it could also just be standard Pokemon catching.


Well-Known Member
Most likely the case

I do wonder, if the game is entirely set in Lumiouse City. I do believe instead of normal encounter rates, we would be tasked with collecting resources and constructing buildings, amenities and structures that will not only unlock more mechanics and parts of the city, but also attract certain Pokemon to appear more.

Like, if battle enough Pidove in the park garden, we get resources from them that we can build a Ornamental Pidovecote. Which will boost the odds and variety of flying types in said area. As an example.

So having some starters in the wild would also be a pretty good incentive for that.

However it could also just be standard Pokemon catching.

That seems a logical way to add the redevelopment into a way that enables getting new Pokemon without having to lock off as many areas of city. They could also use that as a mechanism for legendary/Mythical Pokemon that aren't tied into the main story but are in game. Hard to say if it will work that way but it sounds plausible. Either way I do expect the Kalos starters in-game whether they are the starters for this game or available in the wild.

Lord Godwin

The Lord of Darkness
Are we like in the driest time of Pokemon in ages?
I know we did not get DLC etc in the past and each game was coming out every 3 years but we at least had the Movies with Mythicals. Now the last thing outside Legends Z-A reveal trailer was like Pechurant event back in January. I know we have Anime and the TCG app but maybe I'm getting old but don't remember such a boring Pokemon season...

I know we are having gen 10 most likely in 2026 so hope the wait is worth it.


Well-Known Member
Just saying, certain Mythical Pokemon are no longer event exclusive, and can be obtained in-game provided that certain tasks are followed.


Well-Known Member
Just saying, certain Mythical Pokemon are no longer event exclusive, and can be obtained in-game provided that certain tasks are followed.

A trend I do hope continues. Especially considering the Kalos Mythical Pokemon have not yet been obtained in-game in that way . LA had the Sinnoh Mythical Pokemon in-game so there is some precedent.


Sketcher of Smeargles
At this point I don't care about the wait since we're closer than ever to Pokemon Day and it will continue to be like that for the next two months.

Even then you have rumors of a Switch 2 January reveal. If Legends Z-A is going to be on there we might get a teaser before more info on Pokemon Day 2025.

However, I really don't think Z-A will come to the Switch 2, but at least be backwards compatible. Which won't really increase the performance or anything.

I think locking the game behind a new console would actually hurt sales. Especially if said Switch 2 is being released in March 2025. That is no time to market a Pokemon game for a new console.

People need to buy the console first and usually the reason to do so is to play new Mario or Zelda games.

We'll have to see.


Young Battle Trainer
A trend I do hope continues. Especially considering the Kalos Mythical Pokemon have not yet been obtained in-game in that way . LA had the Sinnoh Mythical Pokemon in-game so there is some precedent.
I think that it was because of COVID that they decided to do this.


Well-Known Member
I think that it was because of COVID that they decided to do this.

I'm not sure on that one, covid probably impacted how they did some releases but I don't think it's the whole story. The first mythical I remember as an in-game event was Deoxys in 2014 in oras long before covid. Even for the more recent ones if it was purely due to COVID they could easily just do pure online events. Putting them in game like they did with Keldeo or Pecharunt with an event they didn't need to do that as that took extra time to program into the game (and they could have just given that away online like Zarude if it was purely due to lockdown). My guess for the reason its more common is partially its just a good marketing strategy (and encourages a few more sales Pokemon like Jirachi being in BDSP if you have sword and shield) and partially as they might want to add mythicals to competitive Pokemon (but that means they need to be more accessible) as they had an event in 2022 where you could use mythicals and partially it's also something fun that they can add to make a game feel more fun. The reason I think in particular we may at least get it with the Kalos mythicals is that Kalos has so few legendary Pokemon (only 3) so at least adding the the Kalos Mythicals takes them to at least 6 (plus any new ones in-game).
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Copley Hill Gym

Well-Known Member
Pokemon TCG has sort of filled that weird gap in my calendar for Pokemon for me this year, but it isn't enough and I cannot be bothered shelling out money for electronic cards...!

Honestly, what a dry year for Pokemon generally.

Pokemon Power

Well-Known Member
Well, we had new episodes of the anime. We had new stuff in the mobile games. But I see what you mean. They could've just said in the announcement trailer, "More info in 2025".


Well-Known Member
Speaking of mythical pokemon, here's an idea I had over something they could do with a Pokemon connected to a mythical even though I'll admit this one is probably a bit unlikely. Imagine if they finally released the additional Carbink forms (from Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Carbink_servants ) as special event forms. I like Diancie but I don't think they will ever give us the ability to evolve a Carbink into a Diancie and while it is possible it gets a mega or an alternative evolution if not this seems like the most interesting idea to make Carbink itself a bit more distinct.

Fairy King

Well-Known Member
I still wish they hadn't announced it at all. We all kind of figured this might be a break year and that way no one would have spent all year wondering if new info was coming out. I just don't get why the didn't wait till next year.


Sketcher of Smeargles
I still wish they hadn't announced it at all. We all kind of figured this might be a break year and that way no one would have spent all year wondering if new info was coming out. I just don't get why the didn't wait till next year.
because people would still be complaining at the lack of news and insisting that each month would show more info.

at least with the anouncement it confirmed something to look forward to.

there is also the possibility it was done so as well to confirm a switch release once Nintendo confirmed the existence of the Switch's successor being released.

I will say that with the Switch 2 being backwards compatible (still we need to see just how much still), I do have a feeling Legends Z-A will either launch solely for the Switch like Metroid Prime 2 or be added to the Switch 2 later.

Whose to say.

The Switch 2 is suppose to be announced before the fiscal year ends, we're at 99 days now before it does. Lots of rumours are pointing to January, we'll see what Pokemon Day in February confirms.


Eh, ragazzo!
Yeah, Game Freak's announcement this year (2024) was basically a confirmation that something is on the way.
They wanted something to show for Pokemon Day 2024, and they showed it.
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