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Pokemon masters

Pikachu kiddo

pikachu<---The king
Plot:The lengendary pokemon have started to turn on the human so, Josh is stopping this problem and returning the lengendary pokemon to normal.
(started this comic beacuse none posted on my other comic)
Season 1
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

Credit so far
(and others)
from SPPF
the spriters resoruce

If you like my comic or a fan of it then:
chose one of this icons of the pokemon from pokemon masters and everytime you post on this comic, put this under what you have written.(done by me)
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Well-Known Member
3000 years ago! But Mewtwo was only made like 5 years ago (IN A LAB!)

other than the Mewtwo thing it looks good to me.


UnlimitedBlade Works
I reckomend you use Word on dialogue before you make your comic, there were too many grammical errors to count

1. Instead of:

"In the Bigging there was pokemon that ruled over the world, people would got killed if any was seen by a pokemon"

ok, this is the first pannel, let me start:

Bigging should be Begining

"In the Begining there WAS?

NO, it should be Were: which is plural. Pokemon is plural in your sentence, if it was singular, you would of put a inbetween the 'was,' and 'pokemon'

Second of all, you should put a comma in between 'begining' and 'there.' Also, what is this 'begining?' Begining of what? Make it so it is the begining of something, I assumed time.

So far we have:

"In the begining, of time, there were pokemon that ruled over the world.

There should be a period, instead of a comma. It is a run on sentence if you put the comma.

"--People Would Got killed if any was seen by a pokemon"

Let us see....

Since it is a new sentece, you should put a word like "The," in the begining.

The people would got killed?

Nope, Would got killed makes NO SENSE

Well, I don't want to critic the whole sentense, so this is what is should of been, correctly.

"The people would of gotten killed, if they were seen by a pokemon."

Please work on grammar, and word choice and basic English first before you post another comic, I know I sound harsh, but "I <3 Grammar!"

If a comic does not have understandable words, then the viewers could not understand it, that is why no one posted in your others, for the word choices are too confusing.

Pikachu kiddo

pikachu<---The king
Episode 2 is coming out tonight.
Edit:Episode 2 is up.
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Pikachu kiddo

pikachu<---The king
Episode 3 is nearly out it's ganna come out tonight or the next night.


i herd u leik meh.
Cool comic, keep it up just make sure you get rid of Mewtwo cause he's not made 3000 years aga he was made five years ago and he's not officaly a legendary cause he was made in a lab.


Pikachu kiddo

pikachu<---The king
i'm getting rid of him in season 2(episode 30)
and i know he was made 5years ago, but still just forget about that...

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
good job of double posting twice. Aside from the spelling and grammar mistakes, a pretty good comic.


Sure. He just happens to have a Masterball. THAT'S totally realistic. I wonder how many more Legendaries this Gary Stu will capture.
Hacknied, half *ssed (more like 1/16th of an *ss, actually), unoriginal, and poorly made. I... Honestly don't know what to tell you. Firstly, get a better handle on the English language. Secondly, are you using Paint? Stop it if you are. Start using Photoshop.

Pikachu kiddo

pikachu<---The king
i'm not going to spend money just so i can make good comics when i can just use paint.-_-


Clock is right, paint isn’t good just get flash or Photoshop you can download a free 30 day trial with flash here. : )