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Pokemon metal


Weaville Pwns
eh, its just wings from Charizard on venusaur -.-
if your pokemon only are gonna be fusions ...


Shinning Cubone

<<<beware the smiley
could i get a fusion? if so a mew and cubone/marowhack head and bone. thanks. (pm me)


Waiting for the Worm
This is like... Total crap. Your story and characters are terribly generic and flat, your sprites are messed up somehow, your word boxes are poorly placed and unconnected, your grammar is stale and irrevocable, and you're not funny.


too... much...
I can see the intro but not the comic.

Why don't you get some eyes and click on link?
Bright idea!

Quit being such a jerk.

mewmehmet: Sorry, and not to offend you, but it does look... jpeg-ish, and rather small and crappy. Improvements are to be made. But at least you tried.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but the spelling is horrible as are the JPG sprites. Don't just recolour Oak, do a bit of custom editting and give hime a new hairstyle. Same with the min character. You can't just recolour a sprite and call it a new character. Same goes for pokemon. While its not neccasary I probably wouldn't make promises of new pokemon when they are meerly fusions. Oh and don't get me started on the cliched unoriginal journey plot.


i herd u leik meh.
could i get a fusion? if so a mew and cubone/marowhack head and bone. thanks. (pm me)

WTF are you on about this is a comic not a reaquest shop. Anyway before I read this comic I assumed it was going to be a journey comic when someone goes to the prof lab and gets a starter so he can go aroung getting badges and what do you know it is.



Stickers are ghetto
Do not cliche! Do not cliche! If this comic is going to be so cliched my level 100 Gardevoir Dansu will hunt you down!
And shinning cubone, this is not a request shop. These forums are the FAN COMICS there is a forum for SPRITE REQUESTS!


r u srs?
This is like... Total crap. Your story and characters are terribly generic and flat, your sprites are messed up somehow, your word boxes are poorly placed and unconnected, your grammar is stale and irrevocable, and you're not funny.
What Nixx said.