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Pokemon MMORPG


A shade of mystery
I honestly think it could work. Pokemon generally is broad enough to be turned into a MMORPG. And with consoles being online I think that Nintendo should coin onto this.

Basically it would be either through a pokemon only world or through a people orintated world (much better prospect)

With the MMORPG you could chose to be different classes. IE the breeder, the contest coordinator, Pokemon ranger, pokemon trainer, gym leader, team rocket grunt and work your way upwards.

There would be access to the current four countries/areas and other worlds where other online people would be so you could battle them and stuff. Kind of like the Coloseum/XD RPG but much more free.

Taking on the idea from Pokemon MD, there could be a pokeworld option where the gameplay could be like WoW, teaming up with people, taking on missions and leveling up.

I'd get it personally :z


This Place is Death.
I'd get it. But how would battle work? They'd have to completely trash the turn-based idea. I would love this, but the questions is whether or not people would buy it. I would, but other people may not. I think it'd be fun, honestly. They need other classes though, like a Grunt/Admin/Etc. of all of the evil organizations, breeder, gardener, fisherman/woman, coordinator, etc.

Anyways, yeah, I'd buy it.

Horn Drill

This sounds like it would be fun, but there'd also be obvious flaws. Would wild Pokemon randomly generate to be sure everyone has a good chance to catch' em all, or would dozens of players fight over the same one? How would you interact with other people? Would the areas get flooded with players? How can we be sure you'll be able to obtain gym badges without waiting in line? Could the breeding center ever fill up? Would we stick to the traditional Elite Four, or would we play in tournaments to determine the champions? Would you be able to t-bag defeated opponents?

If they could work out all the problems, it seems like it could possibly work.


Eevee Trainer
Okay, other than the current obsession with teabagging, I like the idea of a MMORPG. Some of the problems that Horn Drill mentioned could be solved by having many servers, like Final Fantasy XI has. I like the idea of being able to choose your path- I've always wanted to be on the villainous side. Go Rocketto-Dan!


The Master...
cool idea id buy it im not even a mmorpg fan
but a pokemon one would kill the otheras ithink though it would have a feww flaws... fow instance how would you get better rank...


Well-Known Member
YES DEFINATELY! i had this idea ages ago. it has so much potential. pick a server (named after legendary pokemon), choose a region, customize a trainer, name him. start your journey! travel through the region and trading would be a sinch and it'd be constantly updating so it would be the most recent in pokemon tech. someone should seriously suggest this to the pokemon creators


Queen of Charizards!
Whats MMPORG stand for again. I don't think i've heard of it


Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.

There are many aspects that need to be looked at, but if worked out, it could certainly be profitable.


Storm of Fire
This would be a good idea... Though they should put a single player mode for the sole purpose of training(The new levels trasnfer to the main game), so not everywhere you go you don't hear please trade with me, battle with me etc. Also, maybe when you send the pokemon you could control it. One button different attack. Like a Summon Night way.For those of you who haven't played it here (If you want to get this game don't let the pic fool you, I just called in the robot for a spell so you could see as I meant control pokemon in my post)
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[Insert Wacky Title]
I'd definitely get it. I've actually come up with certain ideas in the past, and it'll be really cool to see it happen. The battling should be sort of like the Anime, where you could attack at the same time/dodge attacks, etc. and the wins aren't dependant on type advantage, but you have a chance of winning at a disadvantage too. That'll be awesome.


Well-Known Member
I have been waiting long for a pokemon MMORPG to come out. I think that they can counteract some flaws too. I think that all pokemons except shiny and legendary ones, probably also except very rare ones(Like Dragonite) should be made available to everybody differently, I mean to say they should be randomly generated and people won't fight over them. The rare ones and the shiny ones should be generated at vewry difficult spots and people will have to fight over them, the best and the fastest one should get the pokemon. I think the battling style should rather be simialr to the anime series..just that not exactly so. The level should still play a big part as they would affect how much hp would go down when hit and how much power should an attack cost. There should be effects of the surrounding area, and time also on the battle. The legendaries should be involved in quests..and should be made non-catchable but available on some battles, during the quest. People should be allowed to be anything they like and breeding, taming(The better this skill..the more pokemon will follow your orders), Farming(Might be included so that one could farm better berries) and such could be made as skills. The pokemon should be allowed to be controlled by the trainer in the battle too, like pressing right button would get it to right but the skills would matter then. And players can be anything from trainer, breeder to bad guys or simple people. Of course..they could at least make a beta and out it in the net for some months and take suggestions of all people and then make the final version. As far as market is concerned..I really believe it would be the most successful pokemon game ever, probably even the most successful rpg(although Runescape now has really huge amount of players).

Yami ookami

Well-Known Member
Meh, maybe if I had the money. Sure, why not.
Uh, no.
Pokemon doesn't need to become an MMORPG.
Those are traditionally geared towards teens and twenty-somethings.
Pokemon is geared towards seven-year-olds. And it shall never stray from its target audience. So Nintendo will never do it.
Plus, it would compromise the basic concept of Pokemon.
So, in conclusion, shut up about this idea and go away. >D


Natsu no Maboroshi
That'd be very fun!
No, it wouldn't. It'd be stupid, and it would only get around a hundred players. The overwhelming majority of the Pokemon fandom isn't into MMORPGs.