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Pokemon Myserious Dungeon Scramble Challenge!


Well-Known Member
Well, since this is in most of the other games, I thought I'd make one myself. So the standerd scramble rules is that people choose pokemon for you to use for your game. Legendaries and pokemon with limited moves(wurmple, metapod, magicarp...) are not to be suggested. You can choose to either go to the credits to end your challenge, or straight to the end. you can ask for a starter if you want, or go for a real challenge. Partners are optional. Please only hand out one pokemon to each user, and post if you want to take the challenge.

I am going to take the challenge, so give me a starter, and I'm using red. Post away.
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Ghost Trainer
eevee and skitty :)


Well-Known Member
Okay, that sounds good, but you can only say one pokemon, but I see I forgot to mention it. I guess that this is a message to all posters next. So out of those two, which one, and can I evolve it?


Ghost Trainer
Skitty and u can evolve it w\ moon stone after beating Rayquanza


Well-Known Member
okay, that sounds good.
Team ShtickNyiv:

And I'd like to say that I'm going to the very end.

EDIT: Latias, you can take a Yanma. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
Since you didn't say who the treeko was to, could you edit your post?

EDIT: Ok, I guess you can take a Breloom.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Just started a new one. Latias, I'll be genouros and you get Chikorita.


Well-Known Member
I thought you could be all with both genders. I'll have a check, and see if I could post a link to it.

EDIT: Yep, you can. Here is the list(BTW, Thanks to the writer of the faq for the facts):
Male Female
004-Charmander 025-Pikachu
001-Bulbasaur 152-Chikorita
066-Machop 004-Charmander
007-Squirtle 158-Totodile
025-Pikachu 104-Cubone
158-Totodile 133-Eevee
155-Cyndaquil 258-Mudkip
255-Torchic 300-Skitty
252-Treecko 255-Torchic
258-Mudkip 001-Bulbasaur
054-Psyduck 007-Squirtle
104-Cubone 054-Psyduck
052-Meowth 252-Treecko
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Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Well, me. Sorry, but you're a Chikorita! Muahaha!


Well-Known Member
And sailor merury, I still need pokemon.
Team ShtickNyiv:

and latias, read the rules. no one move pokemon/useless pokemon.
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^magikarp has more than one move XD its not totally useless :/

well, sailor merury you can have a skitty, i guess.

and slappy pancake, i'll give you a totodile, can evolve as you please.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Yep. Need a co-owner? I'll do it. And, I'm afraid I can't answer that. Why? Because I'm Sailor Merury!

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Yep. Need a co-owner? I'll do it. And, I'm afraid I can't answer that. Why? Because I'm Sailor Merury!

EDIT: First of all, Latias you beat me! And second, I can't answer you because you also spelt my name wrong!!!!!!!!

What the-? What happened? I was EDITIng this and it double posted!