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Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon sales

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Golden Darkness

Spikeshell Trainer
From the Gaming Age forums

01 PS2 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Union vs Z.A.F.T. - 298,000 (298,000)
02 NDS Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Ao no Kyuujotai - 124,000 (124,000)
03 GBA Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Aka no Kyuujoutai - 113,000 (113,000)
04 PS2 J.LEAGUE Winning Eleven 9 Asia Championship - 43,000 (43,000)
05 NDS Daredemo Asobi Taisen - 35,000 (131,000)
06 NGC Mario Party 7 - 30,000 (114,000)
07 NDS Nou wo Kitaeru Otona no DS Training - 24,000 (763,000)
08 NDS Yawaraka Atamajuku - 17,000 (660,000)
09 PS2 Shinobido Imashime - 17,000 (65,000)
10 PS2 Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator Banchou - 17,000 (142,000)

Also according to Dengeki the DS version sold 153,000 copies and the GBA version sold 130,000 copies.
Maybe people want to have the DS version more than the GBA version.



I agree,

Those are some sweet lv.100 pokemon there razor leaf.

Xeno Latios

they prlly knew ppl would prefer a fire starter.so they put that on gba.cause they knew everyboidy would want ds version.that way ppl might buy bioth games.

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
CastformMANIA said:
v hni fzm jl;msufkcuydflmaxk; l
What the hell was that!

Anyway Xeno Latios I think you are right I would also some people might have a little brother or sister that want to play a pokemon game.
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you amaze me.
That's a good sign that these games are worth every penny...can't wait for them to come out in America! ^_^

Diamond and Pearl

Captain Noobhead

Diamond and Pearl said:
That's a good sign that these games are worth every penny...can't wait for them to come out in America! ^_^

Diamond and Pearl
Agreed. But there is one thing though, people in Japan are used to playing mysterious dungeon games, while NA hasn't been exposed to it yet. But still, I'm thinking people here could adopt quickly as well.


Looks like PS2 is dominating DS over sales though. Almost 300k on that gundam game,mysterious dungeon is second, but far behind with 128k units.


Well-Known Member
It's great to see the sales doing so well - I just hope they can bring them over here sucessfully.

pooppie21 said:
Looks like PS2 is dominating DS over sales though. Almost 300k on that gundam game,mysterious dungeon is second, but far behind with 128k units.
That could be due to a number of reasons, though I can only think of one decent explaination myself. I'm not sure about the Mobile Suit Gundam game's release date, but if it was released even a week or two prior to the Mysterious Dungeon Pokemon games, that could have a big part in why the sales have such a gap between them.
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