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Pokemon Mysterious dungeons

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And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
You save whenever you complete a dungeon or go to the bed in your hideout


Serebii said:
You save whenever you complete a dungeon or go to the bed in your hideout

Yes, Serbii, but you also can save in dungeons at anytime (in previous Mysterious Dungeon games you could only save as you descended the stairs to the next level)! I just can't recall exactly how I did it but I have saved my game in the dungeons a couple of times.


LordGek said:
Yes, Serbii, but you also can save in dungeons at anytime (in previous Mysterious Dungeon games you could only save as you descended the stairs to the next level)! I just can't recall exactly how I did it but I have saved my game in the dungeons a couple of times.
Did you press the start button?


The Silent One
Loco Dude said:
Did you press the start button?

If you press start you don't get the menu up in this game.
It is accessed by pressing the B button.
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