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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon help


To get Eevee, you need to answer questions in the personality quiz that points towards a Naive Nature. Also when they ask for gender, you must say Female.


Is there some answers I could use to get her?

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What will you do?
Choose Shake hands with it

Do you like groan-inducing puns?
Choose Love them!

There is a scream behind the door. What will you do?
Choose Scream in Unison

Do others often call you childish?
Choose Yes

There are a few more questions but you get the idea what Naive means by just look at those answers. You get 8 random questions as well as 1 gender question. If you want Eevee, it is important to say 'Female' in the gender question. You're not always going to get the questions you want, but keep trying if you fail to get the right Pokemon
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Rotomu Freak
Is it possible to switch which pokemon you are because I have not finished the story yet if that is at all relevant

Also how and were do you get peeled chesnuts for the mankeys because I do not know what to do


Rotomu Freak
can you be any pokemon because I thought you could only be a stater but you are an eevee?


Is it possible to switch which pokemon you are because I have not finished the story yet if that is at all relevant

Also how and were do you get peeled chesnuts for the mankeys because I do not know what to do

You may switch leaders after you finish the game by going to the friend area of the Pokemon and press Join Team then Make Leader. The leader is ALWAYS the one YOU control.

Chesnuts are found at 9F of Uproar Forest. Just look around. When you agree to hand the chesnut over, it's peeled automatically(don't need to find a hammer to crack it open or anything :p).


Well-Known Member
There is a list on the site that tells which pokemon you can be.


can you be any pokemon because I thought you could only be a stater but you are an eevee?

Okay please use proper grammar next time but I know what you mean...Actually you may only be one of the sixteen Pokemon : Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Treecko, Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Pikachu, Eevee, Skitty, Machop, Meowth, and Psyduck.

Note that Chikorita, Eevee, and Skitty is FEMALE ONLY while Cyndaquil, Machop, and Meowth is MALE ONLY. Each Pokemon has a different personality DEPENDING ON WHICH POKEMON AND WHAT GENDER YOU ARE(Ex: Male has Mudkip for Calm personality while Female has Bulbasaur for calm personality).


Rotomu Freak
can pokemon in the game evolve? if so how? can you get Articuno, Zapdos, etc. later on in the game


Storm of Fire
1.Well you can evolve. Though after you beat the game, which is actually beating Raquazza.

2.Yes. After you beat the game.