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pokemon mystery dungeon


Well-Known Member
could some one explain to me what mystery dungeon is about ive read it on the main site but i dont understand what deal is with it? whats the goal and the game play like? do u batle in it?


Venusaur The Best
Well you sort of battle basically you are the pokemon so you control the movement and attacks you use.the fighting is turn based but not typical pokemon style. When you eneter a dungeon you see all the pokemon in there that will try to attack you when you move they move so it doesnt matter if you sand still for hours because unless you attack make a move use an item they wont come to get you. I could go on for hours typing but i cant be bothered i hope this helps.


Hikari Trainer
It's quite fun. You and your pokemon partner go off on rescue missons and recruit other pokemon to help. I'd highly recomend it.


Well-Known Member
thanks dnglover i think after the 3rd time its stuck in my head


Hikari Trainer
Sorry i just realized before your post and deleted it, i'm a noob. Well this should be move to the Mystery Dungeon section you would get more replies


Strawberry fields.
It's definitely worth trying, once, for either fans of dungeon crawlers or Pokémon.

After that, it just gets tedious. IMO.

Charizard Champion#06

Spiral Warrior
Great game, I suggest getting it for the holidays and to wait for DP.

Before making a thread like this asking what any Pokemon game is like, make sure you check the main site as Serebii is bound to have info on it and check to see what section it goes in, as there is almost one for every game.