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Pokemon name pronounciations


Well-Known Member
Was anyone else surprised at a lot of the Pokemon's names pronounciations?

So far, I've encountered Groudon and Kyogre, and Chimecho now..

I used to pronounce them as Groo-don, and Key-ogre, and Chuh - mecho..But the anime pronounces it as Grau-don and Kye- ogre, as well as Chime-echo. It makes more sense pronouncing it this way, but I was just surprised at how it's actually meant to be pronounced.

I also used to say Man- ectric, but now I've taken to pronouncing it Main-ectric as well..


Well-Known Member
I was suprised about Sudowoodo, Elecktrike, Kyogre, Chimecho, Charizard... that's all I can remember.

How I thought they were pronounced:
(Sud-o-wood-oh), (El-ect-rik), (Ky-rouge), (Chime-choe), (Cha-(like Champ)-ri-zard).

Edit: Oops... I got Rayquaza right X__X
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The only two I got wrong were Kyogre and Rayquaza.
Like futramagirl I thought it was ray-quazza.
And I used to say Ky-org instead of Ky-ogre


Old Coot
4Kids had a nasty tendancy of mispronouncing some names.

Just for future reference..

Raikou =/= Rai-koo
Bonsly =/= Bons-lee


4Kids had a nasty tendancy of mispronouncing some names.

Just for future reference..

Raikou =/= Rai-koo
Bonsly =/= Bons-lee

Aren't they pronouncing it Bon-slye now?


Team Rocket's rockin
Aren't they pronouncing it Bon-slye now?
They are, and I believe that's the correct way.

This has happened to me plenty of times, and I'll probably have some more names wrong when the D/P Pokemon dubbed names are released. They should give us pronunciations, too.

Here's some I've mispronounced before:

Larvitar (I thought it was Lar-VI-tar, like it's spelled, but 4Kids pronounced it Lar-VAY-tar)

Houndour (I thought it was Houn-DOR, rather than Houn-DOUR)

There are many more, but they aren't coming to mind at the moment.


Procrastinate Today!
4Kids had a nasty tendancy of mispronouncing some names.
Raikou =/= Rai-koo

How *do* you pronounce it then? That's how I always did. Of course this is coming from the guy that pronounced Kyogre, Chimecho, Rayquaza and Gligar (Key-ogre, Chime-cho, Ray-qwaz-uh and Giglar).....I still don't understand how I did Gligar's name that badly.....


Wrong ones that I have converted to pronouncing the right way:
Groudon (Groo-don)
Chimecho (Chime-choe)
Gardevoir (Gard-uh-voyr)

Ones that I'm wrong, but refuse to pronounce right because I KNOW I'M RIGHT, AND THEY'RE JUST WRONG:

Bonsly (Bon-slee)
Raikou (Rai-koo)
Rayquaza (Ray-kwah-zuh)
Weavile (We-vill)
Kirlia (Kur-Ly-uh)


Well-Known Member
I would agree with the above, except for Kirlia..

Also, another one:


I used to pronounce it mee-low-tick, but now I realise it's supposed to be my-low-dick.


Old Coot
Anyway, I still think that 4kids messed up Illumise. "Ee-lew-me-say"?
No, they got that right. That's how its name is pronounced even in Japanese.

Aren't they pronouncing it Bon-slye now?
That's how PUSA has and is pronouncing it as it's a bonsai plant and is sly in appearance. The ending to bonsai and the word sly pretty much support the proper pronounciation to the Pokemon's name. 4Kids bungled the name up when dubbing the Lucario and Mew movie by pronouncing it as "Bonslee."

but now I realise it's supposed to be my-low-dick.
Har har har, no. ;\


Old Coot
What do you mean no? That's how they pronounce it.
Re-read how you spelled out your pronounciation. ;\

Besides, considering the origins of its English name, it's more among the lines of Mai-lot-ic.


Contaminated KFC
I still pronounce Totodile as 'TOT-oh-dail'. I don't care what the hell it was called in the show. It makes a hell of a lot more sense than 'Toe-Toe-Dail', and even sounds more like 'Crocodile'. So a stubborn old coot I shall reamain.