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Pokemon Namer!!! Right here vvv


Azelf Protector
So, if you need help with a name or want a name rated or something of that nature. TALK TO ME! I love naming pokemon! Also, please do not criticize my naming. I did not ask for that. I haven't done anything to you so why start anything with me? If you don't want me to take offense please do not say anything at all.
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Infinity's got 23
No offense, but with names like Shellton, Lucky... Herba? XDXDXD


Sneasel Fanboy
Creative! What do you think of my Cyndaquil (who i just got today's) name Cynder? (female)

I need a name for my female sneasel too. (not the one in my tc, his name is Claw.)

Ill comeback here when i need another name!


Well-Known Member
Well... er... my poke's names are as follows:

Metagross: Stein (It sounds harsh and graty, like he is <3)
Steelix: Kreuz
Torideposu: King
Enpureido: Napoleon
Aggron: Goro
Domiraa: Miroir


Bullet Punch
when you name your pokemon, don't give them compoundnouns, like lavawave. also, you could try to turn the original name around; Drazirahc for Charizard



Gust of Wind
this is random but in pokemon dungeon i really like how i named gardevoir 'Yuna'


Natsu no Maboroshi
A Venusaur named Herba??? LOL, that's funny. :).


Palace Maven Spenser
well, ones for pure rating:

Shuckle: Piss U Off
Blissey: Tons o Fun
Houndoom: Soul Eater
Starmie: Solarus
Skarmory: Spyke

suggestions needed:

Salamence (currently: DDmence)
I need one for meganium


formerly R. New
Pyromaniac (Charizard)
Slasher (Zangoose)
Vlad (Crobat)
Psychout (Alakazam)
Rex (Tyranitar)

Wildfire (Charizard)
Terra (Groudon)
Eggy (Togetic)
Psiron (Metagross)

Lati (Latios)
Muddy (Swampert)
Psiron (Metagross)
Cotton (Altaria)
Draco (Rayquaza)

A few others:
Deanna (Gardevoir), named for the empathic Deanna Troi in Star Trek
Frank (Dragonite), named after Sir Francis Drake
James (Raticate), named for someone in my class who's nickname is 'Rat'
Jackie (Parasect), named for someone in my class whose nickname is 'Mush'
Latimer (Relicanth), named for the discoverer of the coelacanth, Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer.
Sparky (Pikachu), named because it's a good name for a Pikachu.
Banquo (Gengar), named after the ghost of Banquo in Macbeth
RockSlide (Regirock)
SubZero (Regice)
Alloy (Registeel)
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Ash's Pika Pal

some have to let go
shiny Grumpig/Deepti
shiny Linoone/Angel
shiny Pidgey/FreeSpiret
shiny Seel/Hirotaka
shiny Skitty/DanialBoon
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Hate Me!
I like to make a habit of naming all of my most important Pokemon.

Metagross - Oblivion (my former Metagross' name is Helix)
Kingdra - Hydra (my former Kingdra's name is Leviathan)
Crobat - Manticore
Gardevoir - Unmei (means "destiny")
Umbreon - Wretch (that pesky little rabbit that just won't die)
Tyranitar - Cerberus (it isn't a dog, but the name sounds mean, so stfuplzkthx)
Blaziken - Atrocious
Starmie - Havok
Aerodactyl - Tyrant
Venusaur - Gaia
Gengar - Nightmare (typical, I know)
Suicune - Saikyou (means "strongest")
Regice - Glacier
Espeon - Nails
Zapdos - Atrophy
Victreebel - Trauma
Nidoking - Panic

And the Final Fantasy fanatic I am:

Mewtwo - Weapon, Anima
Rayquaza - Eden
Salamence - Bahamut
Groundon - Ragnarok
Raikou - Cloud
Entei - Squall
Suicune - Tidus
Charizard - Ifrit
Articuno - Shiva
Blastoise - Barret
Umbreon (Shiney) - Valentine
Blissey - Aerith
Primeape - Tifa
Sneasel - Yuffie
Camerupt - Chocobo (I don't feel that I have to explain myself)
Meh. I called my pokemon:

Altaria: Paul
Blaziken: Frankie
Swalot: Bruno
Sableye: Daisy
Magneton: Rodrick
Walrein: Mavis

but hay thats just me 8)


-I'm gonna get you!
Well when I get my shiny Regirock I will name it ShinyRock. I know, creative, isn't it? <__< :)


Azelf Protector
pnoiboi: I like the name Artix, my Legendary Birds unfortunately do not have very creative names.
MADHATTER: I really like your names. Most are very unique and congratulations.
DarkHunter: I like some of you names and they're yours. Just a suggestion. Try to make your names more like real names. For instance, your Latios. A name I would think of is Dareon. The main part of the name is Eon since Latios is an eon pokemon.
Alzi~Pokemon Master: Tyranitaur.... I don't usually name by natures Mantadon. That way it's still a dino kind of name but also nature.
General_Ridley: Hmmm... I like Starmie and Skarmory's names. Try to not make your names more than one word. As for Salamence. If it's a boy Mandron, a girl Samandra.
FlygonLord: Hmm... Meganium. I always wanted to name one. Aromelia for girl or Waftel for boy.
kill and run: I think a good name for your nidoking would be Pindron since Nidoking is a poison pin pokemon.
All of the others who posted names I am sure have done a very good job, don't worry if your name's not on this post, I will go back and get you unless you looked like you needed no help in your names. Thanks!


Sneasel Fanboy
I need a name for a pokemon hold on...

pupitar male

more later

Also........... You should put a link to your thread. I really like your creativity wheni t comes to naming them.

You get the official name rater award! do da do!
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