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Pokemon: Neo

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Battle Pyramid Champion
Well, this is my second comic, but since the first one got no replies and was deleted when the forums crashed, I decided to make a new one :D

Rated PG-13 for minor bad language and excessive barbeque sauce.

Chapter 1 - A new beginning
Comic 1
Comic 2
Comic 3
Comic 4
Comic 5
Comic 6
Comic 7
Comic 8
Comic 9
Comic 10
Comic 11
Comic 12
Comic 13
Comic 14
Comic 15

Chapter 2 - Enter the Matrix... er... Rival.
Comic 16
Comic 17
Comic 18
Comic 19
Comic 20
Comic 21
Comic 22
Comic 23
Comic 24
Comic 25

Chapter 3 - Problems in Petalburg
Comic 26
Comic 27
Comic 28
Comic 29
Comic 30
Comic 31
Comic 32
Comic 33
Comic 34
Comic 35
Comic 36
Comic 37
Comic 38
Comic 39
Comic 40

Chapter 4 - To Littleroot!
Comic 41
Comic 42
Comic 43
Comic 44
Comic 45
Comic 46
Comic 47
Comic 48
Comic 49
Comic 50 (Extra long :D)
Comic 51
Comic 52
Comic 53
Comic 54

Chapter 5 - Start of the journey
Comic 55
Comic 56
Comic 57
Comic 58
Comic 59
Comic 60
Comic 61
Comic 62
Comic 63
Comic 64
Comic 65
Comic 66
Comic 67
Comic 68
Comic 69
Comic 70
Comic 71

Chapter 6 - The Rival: Reloaded
Comic 72
Comic 73
Comic 74
Comic 75
Comic 76
Comic 77
Comic 78
Comic 79
Comic 80

Chapter 7 - Road to Rustboro
Comic 81
Comic 82
Comic 83
Comic 84
Comic 85
Comic 86
Comic 87
Comic 88
Comic 89
Comic 90
Comic 91
Comic 92
Comic 93
Comic 94
Comic 95
Comic 96

Chapter 8 - The Devon Goods
Comic 97
Comic 98
Comic 99
Comic 100
Comic 101
Comic 102
Comic 103
Comic 104
Comic 105
Comic 106
Comic 107
Comic 108
Comic 109
Comic 110
Comic 111
Comic 112
Comic 113
Comic 114
Comic 115
Comic 116

Chapter 9 - Rocking in Rustboro
Comic 117
Comic 118
Comic 119
Comic 120

Chapter 9.2 - Pokémon: Even more Neo
Comic 121
Comic 122
Comic 123
Comic 124
Comic 125 (Sort of)
Comic 126
Comic 127
Comic 128
Comic 129

When comic 11 goes wrong
History of Neo and Nathan
Neo takes over the comic!
4th of July Special
Delayed Christmas and New Year's Special
Valentines Special
1000 posts special
Easter Special

Pokémon: Neo Matrix background.
Neopolis versus the Writers Block!
Mr. and Ms. Smith - Coming to a cinema near you soon.
Sableye Art
Ralts - Cute or evil?
Sprite Sheet Ask permission before using!

Fan Stuff:
Fan Stuff! by Blueray
Gulbuffs Revenge by Blueray
May's talk show by eevee_girl
Comic Cross-over - Part one by Avegaille
Comic Cross-over - Part two by Avegaille
Neo's new job by Desertglow/ElectrodeDestroyer~
Opposite Day by Goatman56
Neo's Revenge - Part one by Watson and Flannery fan
Neo's Revenge - Part two by Watson and Flannery fan
Neo's Revenge - Part three by Watson and Flannery fan
No Future stuff! by ₣l¥gonX$
Neo's Dex Entry by Watson and Flannery fan
When neopolis interferes by Sequoia
Who are you people? by GoldenGroudon
Brendan vs. Neo by Knightblazer
Sneezy Lotad by P-man
Romantic Setting by Flaze
That's just wrong by Sponge_Monkeyz
Oversized Sword! by Flygon
The flowers are coming! by Jetx
Neo Slowpoke's Dex Entry by Chikorita Fan III
Neo Psyduck's Dex Entry by PokemonChapion33
The Flower Club by PokemonChapion33
1000 replies! by dabou
We hate is when our friends become succesfull by Sahaqiel
I'm sorry! by zezrex5
May's Diary by Weavile Master

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting
Thanks to Avegaille for helping me on sprites (And her own sprites in the Valentines special)
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I like it, the charries are really cute together ^^;;... Whats going to happen in chapter two??? I wanna see more!!


Glacier Trainer
I really like it keep going, neo is a really good char and you know when to make a joke and when not to

Ash Legendary Hero

Hey neopolis3 really good! cmon keep writing and i want to ask ya: why did that guy's name is Neo? (we are not in t3h m@tr1x)


Battle Pyramid Champion
Because I like the name Neo, isn't it obvious? :p

Yay, Knuckle Trainer!
This is my fav comic!!! I like it soooooo much, so funny! How do you come up with these ideas? So funneh...


Battle Pyramid Champion
Comic 17
Comic 18

Hehe, couldn't resist making after reading Ash Legendary Hero's post ^_^ [SPOIL]Oh, and thats rival's not Smith, but it's maximo.[/SPOIL]
And the chapter also has a name now. :)


Mush! Mush!
Yes Night Shade can prove useful but Shadow Punch owns that!

I'm sorry... Mister Anderson.

That's all I know about Matrix! XD Good comic chapters!


Glacier Trainer
Yea me smith... i mean nathan is in the comic yea thanks for putting me in if you need any more help just ask

Ash Legendary Hero

hehehe very funny (the tile and the rival's name... hehe) but anyway now will Neo now wear Black clotes, sunglases and will make kung fu? or something like that?


Battle Pyramid Champion
Yeah, and he'll also have the ability to dodge bullets in slow-motion.

Ash Legendary Hero

cool and then will appear some guy called morpheus?


XD Great comic! Wonder how the Matrix chapter will go? Hmm, great comic!
Very good comic, Mr. Anders-I mean Neopolis… Humor, as an essential, is very good. X3 "Retarded sailor"… That's rich…

One thing, though. I see you used the Sableye Shiny sprite for the "Roast Sableye"…I saw that and I just said… "HEY! I HAVE ONE OF THOSE!!!" XD

Grey Ursaring

LOL! I loved it! All of it! The jokes are so... Weird! Especially the Retard sailor! that ruled! Anyways, nice comic, I like your choice of Pokémon, and the Smith thing is pretty funny. Keep up the good work, and don't eat cookies before bed time!

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