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Pokemon: Not an onlookers sport

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I thought of something.
When a pokemon uses a move and miises, where does that move go?
Yup, right out in the surroundings!

Noticed that a lot of moves in pokemon contest goes out at the judge or the crowd.

Post your opininions.


-swampert used gasp!
i can imagine pokemon battle watching as a blood sport,the last one alive when the battle ends gets £10,000!


That may occur, but the Anime doesn't seem to make the attacks hit any Onlookers.

The ASB has a similar rule in their arenas. Where if you hit one on purpose, you automatically lose the battle. Makes battles more interesting.

I suppose something similar would apply, no?


Torterra Firma
I goes and kills little Timmy a-hole.

oops. I mean, Lightscreens and Protects FTW!

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Nice when a pokemon misses with sheer cold...
Or fissure...

But the moves in contests DOES hit the onlookers!
You can see it.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I you dont wanna use your memory to think of attacks, you can use this

Just joking, this will work better.


Spoon Powah!
Ah I can imagine it now, a Level 100 Charizard missing with his Fire Blast and scorching an innocent man. :p


Pokemon Collecter
I'd hate to be a janitor at a Pokemon League Tourny. :D

Mopping up all the water, raking up all the razor leaves, replacing scorched metal, vacuuming up all the sand, rebuilding the arena in between matches...

Poor guys. :(

Jinchuuriki Hunter

Johto Champion Ninja
I don't know about it in the wild, but I think that in contests, they set up a dummy to be hit by attacks. (Those that hit anyway)

It'd be kinda like...
Charizard used Fire Blast!
Dummy was burned!

And if it misses, actually, it can't miss. The dummy is immobile.

In battles, the opponent can move so there is a chance of missing. When that happens, the attack hits something in the background. Be it a tree, a rock, the ground or an unlucky onlooker.

That's why Pokémon battles should not be done in crowded areas.


New Member
What exactly occurs when a pokemon uses Sunny Day? Do they blast the ceiling out?


Quite an easy punishment for freezing and most likely killing hundreds of innocent people. :p
Eh, Pikachu should be causing cardiac arrest and severe muscles spasms left and right. I'm guessing pokemon moves just aren't that deadly. The pokemon don't die when they get slashed, burned, and frozen. Leech seed doesn't cause nervous system issues, malnutrition, or anything like that.