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Pokemon: Not an onlookers sport


I think it is quite dangerous. I also believe that what they don't show in the anime/games are thousands of dead people lying on the floor because some fortress had to use explosion and blows up a building.


What exactly occurs when a pokemon uses Sunny Day? Do they blast the ceiling out?

Most likely no. Sunny Day, like Rain Dance, probably just uses some power (As shown in the anime, a Ball of energy) to create the weather. Even indoors it might not have much effect. The ball, should there be one, will not be solid matter for it to break something. It would probably be a gaseous material and seep in through the ceiling


Lightning Swordsman
Maybe they cast a bunch of light screens and stuff around the arena before the fight?

I've always imagined that in formal arena battles, such as major tournaments. If you look at Realgam's stadium, the crowd is closed off from the fighting arena, presumably in a weather-resistant, air-conditioned dome. Also, if you notice, in most standard arenas, there is a white line marking "out of bounds." Pokémon crossing that line in a battle were judged to be unable to continue combat. I imagine the Light Screen barrier is constructed just outside that boundary. This also prevents crowd intervention in the battle.

I like Realgam's setup better than the Light Screen method, but it would also be considerably more expensive to build. The Light Screen would deflect the energy attacks, but it would not prevent effects of certain attacks, like a long Flamethrower attack, from heating the local air to the point where it would become unpleasant. Remember when Ash's Charizard melted the surface with a Flamethrower in the Indigo league? It became unbearably hot in the arena. I am particularly interested about a possible ban of the move Sandstorm for these reasons, particularly in an open arena such as Indigo's.


Pikachu used Thunderbolt. The attack missed! It hit Bob! Bob died.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I'd hate to be a janitor at a Pokemon League Tourny. :D

Mopping up all the water, raking up all the razor leaves, replacing scorched metal, vacuuming up all the sand, rebuilding the arena in between matches...

Poor guys. :(
That was another point of wiew...


Pokemon Collecter
And if it misses, actually, it can't miss. The dummy is immobile.

In battles, the opponent can move so there is a chance of missing. When that happens, the attack hits something in the background. Be it a tree, a rock, the ground or an unlucky onlooker.

Have you ever tried throwing a ball of paper into a bin from across a room? The bin is immobile but you can still miss...


Borderline Troll
Yeah, it would be like "Gyrados used hyperbeam! Attack Missed! Mark: ZOMG! It's comin towards me!"


Well-Known Member
Well, the Pokemon world has all sorts of crazy tech, like teleporters (warp tiles in Saffron City) and matter-to-energy direct conversion (Pokeballs), so I guess they could use some kind of transparent forcefield to block attacks from the crowd


Scary Faerie♥
That's interesting. I never thought about that.

Jinchuuriki Hunter

Johto Champion Ninja
Jamers said:
Have you ever tried throwing a ball of paper into a bin from across a room? The bin is immobile but you can still miss...
That is why they use a big dummy.

Special attack preventing forcefields might work too but it does make you wonder...
...why didn't Team Rocket use them for their own evil plans?


So Zetta Slow!
remember in one hoenn episode? Camerupt's Eruption made ash & friends run and dodge the bits of fire/rock...what could happen if they got hit by the eruption...tosted bread!!...hehehe


Natsu no Maboroshi
The missing attack hits the rival trainer XD


Scary Faerie♥


This reminds me of the time when I saw Destiny Deoxys. Well I only saw the battle between Rayquaza and Deoxys.

Rayquaza kept on using hyper beam, and missing. The blasts seemed to go on forever, and I couldn't help but wonder if they would hit the ground. They should have, and they would have caused vast amounts of destruction.


Belgian Waffles!!!
Guillotine isn't a special attack though, so it wouldn't go into the crowd.

What about the trainer, but I hopefully guillotine is will be easy to dodge. lol


remember in one hoenn episode? Camerupt's Eruption made ash & friends run and dodge the bits of fire/rock...what could happen if they got hit by the eruption...tosted bread!!...hehehe
Nope. They'd just look "burned" until the camera angle changes. Then they are okay.

Ever wonder why James and Jesse aren't dead? Pokemon moves don't kill.
Ever wonder why not even one single pokemon dies in the games, movies or show? THEY DO NOT KILL.

I hate to be a buzzkill, but someone has to be the differing voice.

Lv. 3 Caterpie gets hit with Fire Blast from Charizard. KO'd? Of course. Dead? No. Slash, Dragon Claw, Solar Beam, Dragonbreath. Name it. No, it doesn't kill.

Ever wonder why it was so taboo as mentioned on the show, of using a gun against a pokemon? The rules don't apply. Surely a Hyper Beam will maim and kill more than a bullet. Nope. Ask Butch and Cassidy after Aerodactyl blasted their helicopter away.

Surely you can't, since by the logic here, they are dead.

Or not.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Nope. They'd just look "burned" until the camera angle changes. Then they are okay.

Ever wonder why James and Jesse aren't dead? Pokemon moves don't kill.
Ever wonder why not even one single pokemon dies in the games, movies or show? THEY DO NOT KILL.

I hate to be a buzzkill, but someone has to be the differing voice.

Lv. 3 Caterpie gets hit with Fire Blast from Charizard. KO'd? Of course. Dead? No. Slash, Dragon Claw, Solar Beam, Dragonbreath. Name it. No, it doesn't kill.

Ever wonder why it was so taboo as mentioned on the show, of using a gun against a pokemon? The rules don't apply. Surely a Hyper Beam will maim and kill more than a bullet. Nope. Ask Butch and Cassidy after Aerodactyl blasted their helicopter away.

Surely you can't, since by the logic here, they are dead.

Or not.
Well, maybe you got a point there...