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Pokemon: Not an onlookers sport


Scary Faerie♥
What about the trainer, but I hopefully guillotine is will be easy to dodge. lol

I never thought about the trainer. But yeah, it only has 30 % accuracy or something like that.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Enemy xatu used future sight.
Enemy xatu was knocked out.
You defeated trainer.
Cleaner bob came to clean the stadium.
Cleaner bob took the future sight attack.
Nope. They'd just look "burned" until the camera angle changes. Then they are okay.

Ever wonder why James and Jesse aren't dead? Pokemon moves don't kill.
Ever wonder why not even one single pokemon dies in the games, movies or show? THEY DO NOT KILL.

I hate to be a buzzkill, but someone has to be the differing voice.

Lv. 3 Caterpie gets hit with Fire Blast from Charizard. KO'd? Of course. Dead? No. Slash, Dragon Claw, Solar Beam, Dragonbreath. Name it. No, it doesn't kill.

Ever wonder why it was so taboo as mentioned on the show, of using a gun against a pokemon? The rules don't apply. Surely a Hyper Beam will maim and kill more than a bullet. Nope. Ask Butch and Cassidy after Aerodactyl blasted their helicopter away.

Surely you can't, since by the logic here, they are dead.

Or not.

Okay, but let's say that Blastoise uses Hydro Pump. The attack misses, and goes into the crowd and hits a random guy. The blast sends the guy headfirst into a wall at 70/mph. Does he survive? No.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Okay, but let's say that Blastoise uses Hydro Pump. The attack misses, and goes into the crowd and hits a random guy. The blast sends the guy headfirst into a wall at 70/mph. Does he survive? No.
Yowsa! That must hurt quite a lot!


they would have some protection, surely?