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Pokemon not in games yet

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List pokemon they have not made for the games yet but you think will be pokemon sometime:

Pegasus(horse with wings)

nonflaming unicorn


I can't remember any more but I will soon...


I've always wanted a see a dolphin Pokemon.


Well-Known Member
an ant pokemon?


How about a ripoff of that horse eagle thing from harry potter?

also trolly trolls not like that pathetic excuse sableaye.


Well-Known Member
A Pinsir Evo is inevitable.
An Ant pokemon would be good.
Maybe a guinea pig pokemon, too.


Well-Known Member
I think bippa falls into that slot, even though its clearly a beaver

I think they should bring misingno back in some strange new way


^^ I have evry damn right to start a new thread on already done topics.

I think Ho-oh is like a paradise bird but it's not so "wow a beauifull delicate thing!"

They gotta make a pink paradise bird instead and also a more rainboy colour. I think Ho-oh looks mexican, when I got it in colosseum I thought"look a mexican bird!XD"(I'm mexican so I think I'd know it when I see sumthing that looks mexican)
Actually creating a new thread when there is already a thread about it is called SPAMMING and that is bad children.


I already PMed a mod to close this thread OK?

We already have two phoenix bird pokemon, moltres and ho-oh(jappaneese ho-oh means phoenix)

Also were not really spamming man we didn't even know this had already been done.


A hermit Crab Pokemon!! Don't say Slowbro because it looks nothing like a hermit crab. If there already is one then i'm just forgetful.


That is the greatest Idea so far yellow hat.

I would so fukking love a dark psychic type! It would be so ironic to put opposie elemental pokes into one
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