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Pokemon Party 1



It's bad... It's sloppy and tasteless. Not to mention your gramer adn speling is tereble. Chat speak is not good for comics. It's also not funny at all.


It was closed for a reason.
1. The panel is too big.
2. The intro is unhuman.
3. The characters are terribly recolored.

Matt Silver

Rest My Chemistry
You stole Beco's sprites.
The last one was closed because you didn't post an actual comic.
BTW this looks very very very very crappy. My best words.


Lucas, gib meh soda.
Mattthegreat995 said:
You stole Beco's sprites.
The last one was closed because you didn't post an actual comic.
BTW this looks very very very very crappy. My best words.
As you sayed, Matt. You stole Beco's sprites, its clearly. Ben, Nicko, Ariane, Denny, Gordon, and Kathlyn.. -_-'' Or.. Maybe not all of em. I dun know.
Wow... This comic... is bad.
1. You have real bad recolors of characters from TPJ.
2. Consider reading comic tutorials.
3. You have text coming out of the speech boxes/bubbles.
4. Work on grammar.


I didn't like it at all...



Well-Known Member
Having text bubbles and still using them as under pannel text. That is something I don't see every day. It isn't good, well actually it is very bad, but it isn't common.

Still. Now I rate this a 1/10, but I'll have to see more.


- Like the others said, you just recolored TPJ characters, I see because of 2 things, you forgat to recolor Denny, and you recolored Ariane, she's my first costum made sprite so...
Next time give credits.

- CoF has made a good thread about what to do and what not to do, you should check it.

- The text bubbles are confusing, try to make those better.

- a one panel intro's kind of short, maybe you should make the episodes longer.
Beco said:
CoF has made a good thread about what to do and what not to do, you should check it.

In fact I'll show it right here.

You have too many charachters which is genrally a bad thing. Keeping too many charachters especially at the first few comics is never good (Beco doesn't keep all his charachters in his comic at once, he tries to limit them).

You don't need to custom make a town, it's better to have a normal town from a game, then a bad one (In this case yours). Practice a bit more on spriting and don't take Beco's sprite.

Hey beco, your using the word custom instead of edited again.
That was horrible cause it was sloppy and the words were coming out of the bubbles. The grammar is bad and the bubbles were very confusion to get.

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;


Um.. who was talking? You need a lot of improvements :eek:. But dun worry someday you will..

But don't use the whole background...



Mattthegreat995 said:
You stole Beco's sprites.
The last one was closed because you didn't post an actual comic.
BTW this looks very very very very crappy. My best words.

I cannot believe you stole Beco's sprites! Also your comic sucks so bad.......I CAN HARDLY READ WHAT YOUR CHARACTERS ARE SAYING!!!
Last edited:


I see 7 mistakes.
1. You stole Beco's sprites
2. The recoloring is bad. Read a tutorial.
3. The text bubbles are confusing.
4. Your spelling is terrible. Proofread your work.
5. Words spill out the panels.
6. The town is bland. Use a real town.
7. It bores me. There is no humor.
Well, work on those.
