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Pokemon peeves

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Long time no see
Is there any pokemon you just cant stand the site of due to the fact that you lost an important battle with it.
I know vyksta will post here.

personally i cant stand groundon
I had trained it up and decided to test it at the elite four. It was level 65 and it LOST at the first person. I then had to slog it out with my Blaizeken(always a powerhouse). Hated it from then on. I still catch it, just not train it.

Your turn....

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
If you cant stand a pokemon just because you lost with it, you are overreacting.


I dropped my balls
If you cant stand a pokemon just because you lost with it, you are overreacting.

Good job ignoring the whole topic *hi5*

I must say, My vaporeon was rather dissapointing, and IMO not worth the training.

please note that i'm not saying YOUR vaporeon sucked, but mine did, it doesn't fit my style


My best bud HATES anything related to Togepi. One time back in the early days of GS, he has Togetic use Metronome. Its first move is a useless one (lets say it's Attract and it fails, I dunno), the second move is a useless one (lets say Defense Curl), finally (now this I do know for sure), its third move is Explosion...it KOs itself...and Explosion misses! WTFLMAO! Serves him right for relying on a random move generator!

Sucks to be him, though cause Togekiss is awesome!
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i cannot stand grass pokemon, cuz whenever i use them i get totally beaten down by super effectivve hits, and whenever i fight against them they beat me down with attacks like leaf storm and leech seed


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
i also dont like the togi's, i dunno y really, i spose they could b decent pokemon but i jus really dont like the look or ideas behind em at all tbh


As u all know..... i hate crobat >= (
im gonna harpoon crobat, espesially when its compared to a golbat
same with elikible.

i dont wanna sound like im angry but simply, i am...


I'm not fond of the ubers, just because I find them overrated. I prefer using teams that took a lot of work to train. No offense to any of the uber fans out there. I'm just stating my opinion. ;]

And, like I've said in several threads, I can't stand Korotokku.


Well-Known Member
Hypmo-That greepy stare, and that enormously large nose, always staring at you with its pedulem held up high


Well-Known Member
DarkBlaizeken said:
Is there any pokemon you just cant stand the site of due to the fact that you lost an important battle with it.
I know vyksta will post here.
Vyksta won't as she's not on Serebii, but Vycksta will.

... and yes, part of the reason why I detest Blaziken is because of my battling experiences I had. Ishizu on Sapphire, Khorazon and his EV trained son on Emerald. Not any more... Blaziken's had the three strikes with me.


Long time no see
Well i would say i hate crobat aswell. When battlin someone they had a crobat and they beat me. I trained mine up to see how good it could be.....and it lost!!!!!! HORRIBLY!!!!!!
oh and wobbuffet......i could get one as easily as i thort in the safari zone......5 times i went in there to get one!!!
Mi blaizeken got me peeved the other day, it lost a battle in the battle frontier.....im gettin over it but im still angry!!


Natsu no Maboroshi
I dislike all those spikers. If you don't have a Rapid Spinner you're toasty. :(


Well-Known Member
I hate cheap wins like OHKO moves working x times in a row and hold items not working


I hate the Dragonair. I found a awesome shiny in the safari but it ran away... Though I ended up catching a adamant.


Well-Known Member
i hate oddish i put latios asleep with it but then latios woke up within 1 turn then i got pwned by latios because i only 2 weak pokemon with me


I'm baaaaaack

I hate the fact that every 5 units you walk/surf, you always run into an oddish/tentacool..

It pizzes me off. 8D
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