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Pokemon Personal ID.


Patience? Virtue?
I got the inspriration for this from someone elses work, they were doing something close to this, but they were making them with stats and everything. Mine are a lot simpler, they're just a small IDs for individual pokemon. I'll just post them now and let you give me comments and criticism as well as ways to improve them.
the thread where i got the idea is, here



Patience? Virtue?
thanks, keep the comments coming. I forgot to add, that if you click the banner in my sig, you can go to my request thread and i'll make them for you(although i haven't put them up yet)


they are really nice
my only suggestion is that in espeon's one, it's outline is lighter than the body. i think that looks better and makes it look more noticeable.
maybe do that on the other ones?

great job!

Elite 4

Pokemon is for nerds
Wow this looks like a hit!

You know what would be cool though? If you put the moves and the nature of that pokemon under the pic.


Patience? Virtue?
oh, i didn't notice i'd dome that, thanks for pointing that out, i'll get working on that. I've also noticed that i didn't put any lines over leafia... a few corrections, to perfect, just what i like.


Patience? Virtue?
yes, i do, you can pm me, or when if i've got it in my banner, you can go to my shop