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Pokemon Randomizer

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I am looking for a Pokemon sprite randomizer. I was using the one on Cobalt Cuty, but its gone now. I need it to do more of my random mixes that were loved awhile back.


uh? randomizer? that seems interesting, can you show me an example of what it was capable of doing? :eek:

Black Hayate

Ablare en Español.
yeah, what is it?


Normal Coordinator
I think that's exactly what it does, it randomly generates pokemon to mix with. I mean, you can always type in random numbers too, but wutever.


Just me
This thing I threw together, actually the testing page for the script that the one Ilex gave you uses, should help. It only gives you Pokémon, not sprites, though.

(Won't work in old browsers)
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Normal Coordinator
Wow, thanks a lot Dragonfree. Are you eventually going to make it generate sprites?


Oddish plzkthnxbai
Darn you, Dragonfree, I'll have to make an even better one now :p

If you're looking for Pokémon sprites, go Here.
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I got a few weird combos when I tried the Ilex one. Here are a few-
Typhlosion and Groudon
Castform and Parasect
Dewgong and Kyogre
Donphan and Latios
Suicune and Ho-oh
Eww... I can't imagine what one would do with a Donphan/Latios fusion... *runs to bathroom*


Kauser il più grande
Phizzle's came up with Uknown/Eevee and (THIS is just weird) WATER-TYPE PSYDUCK? That's easy, Psyduck is already water-type!


Normal Coordinator
Phizzle, where are the sprites supposed to show up...? Nothing is showing up.


Just me
Why are you so worked up about the sprites not showing up? Finding the sprites of the Pokémon that come up is easy as hell. Just go to PokémonElite2000 or something.

(The one I gave, by the way, does have the Deoxys fix included)


Normal Coordinator
I'm not, don't put words in my mouth. On Ilex's and Phizzle's there aren't even any words, at least on my computer. I don't want to pick a fight however. I've used Pokemonelite2000.com for the past year, so please don't get angry at me.

Hmmm....I'm sorry for being so angry Dragonfree. Your randomizer is really great, thanks a lot.
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Just me
Meh, I went ahead and added the sprites, both R/S and FR/LG, to my generator (along with making it fancier and stuff). Happy randomizing.


Normal Coordinator
I saw that Dragonfree. Once again, I'm sorry about getting upset. Thanks a bunch! By the way, are there Emerald sprites as well...because I got what I think is an emerald Drowzee.
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