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Pokemon Ranger- Help Needed!!!


"Nirvash ready!"
Okay, so here's how it is. I'm on the 10th Mission, and I need to get Jolteon, Flareon and Vaporeon onto the pedestals. Problem is, I can't find Vaporeon. Can somebody help?


ooo, what's cooking?
o yea i just beat that mission. The stone tablets hm, well, u need to go west till u see a cliff, fall down it, and there's vaporeon, imple.
Yea i hated the temple too, but u just gotta keep poking ur nose and looking around and u'll find tons of stuff, like Espeon and Umbreon *cough cough*


"Nirvash ready!"
o yea i just beat that mission. The stone tablets hm, well, u need to go west till u see a cliff, fall down it, and there's vaporeon, imple.
Yea i hated the temple too, but u just gotta keep poking ur nose and looking around and u'll find tons of stuff, like Espeon and Umbreon *cough cough*

Yay! Im "ranging it" (xD) it now. Thanks.