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Pokemon Ranger


Stone Trainer
Yeah. I practically worship this game though and am a bit bias because of this but if your looking for a good fun and different pokemon game then go for this one. I haven't played mystery dungeon yet but I think I would enjoy this more. Its a good 30 hours of gaming. Plus then you can join in the quest for the manaphy password.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I practically worship this game though and am a bit bias because of this but if your looking for a good fun and different pokemon game then go for this one. I haven't played mystery dungeon yet but I think I would enjoy this more. Its a good 30 hours of gaming. Plus then you can join in the quest for the manaphy password.

Dude i've completed Ranger in 12 hours. If you are a slowpoke yes it will take you 30 hours.


ooo, what's cooking?
I think I can do it faster if i tried. Anyway it very good game, quite unique too. Plus, on a bright side, if u make captures with ur weak hand (if ur a righty, use left) it could teach u to be cawhanded. I'm left handed, and I haven't tried but it might.