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Pokemon Regions: Shinou to Kanto( Ultimate Challenge )

I've read some awsome fics frequently and I wanted to give this another shot. Hopefully this will be way better and not against the rules like my other one was. But with that I hopefully give you my first successful fic on this forum!! Enjoy people!! Please give comments and critics. Do not spam!! Narrator Devan xplained.


The first Shinou gym match

A enjoyable young man and his fraternal twin brother decide to go back home to Kanto!! The two boys are Ash and Devan Ketchum. They have been traveling with their friends Brock and a beautiful young lady named Hikari!!
A cerulean blue car drove on a bumpy and crooked road. The car shined so bright you'd think that the sun was coming your way!! I was on my way to the first city in the Shinou Region!! It was called Kotobuki town, then from there they'd go to Futaba town!! Narrator Devan said informing you on some info.

" We are finally in Kotobuki Town! Hikari exclaimed. My feet hurt so bad right now! Hikari said with a frown on her face. But I'm alright! Hikari laughed and smiled joyfully.

" Don't worry Hikari. We are here now. Devan said pointing to the Pokemon Center. Race you to the Pokemon center Hikari!! Devan said happily.

" Ready...set...go!! Yelled Hikari while laughing.

" Wow! Look at them run Brock!! Said Ash with a stuned look on his face.

" I didn't know humans could run so fast. Said Brock look stunned as well. Brock then see's Nurse Joy open the door for Devan and Hikari. " Oh!! My heart has struck. I must run now Ash. See you later. Says Brock with his eyes looking like hearts.

" C'mon Pikachu!! We'd better catch up!! Brock! Brock wait up. When Ash got directly behind Brock the dust got into Ash and Pikachu's eyes. " Awwww....man. Talk about a bad day. Says Ash. Ash wipes the dust out of his and Pikachu's eyes. They continue running and finally get into the Pokemon Center.

" Hello Nurse Joy! How are you this fine morning. Asked Brock as calmly as he could.

" Hello Brock from the rock gym in Kanto's Pewter City. I'm fine today! Answered Joy.

" Yes you are Nurse Joy. Yes you are, muttered Brock. " So um...What are you doing today, I mean I know you are staying inside of the Pokemon Center but you know what I mean. Says brock.

" Um...Are you okay Brock? You should get your eyes checked. said Nurse Joy.

" As long as I can see you, then my eyes are quite alright Nurse Joy!! Brock declared quickly.

" Okay, thats enough. Said Hikari pulling Brocks ears.

" Hehehehe. Young people these days!! Hikari, Ash, Brock, and Devan!! Your Pokemon are fully healed. Said Nurse Joy, giving the poke'balls to them.

" Wow! Thanks alot Nurse Joy! You're the best!! They all said, but you heard Brock's voice the most.

" Well, thank you very much. It feels good when young people say how good of a job I've done. She said with a smile. " So, would you like a one dorm with two bunk-beds?

" Yes, please! Said Devan and Hikari.

" So how are you feeling Pochama? Asked Hikari.

" Pocha. Answered Pochama with a huge cool-aid smile.

" Charmander you feel good? Asked Devan with a smile.

" Char, char. Answered Charmander jumping around Pikachu, Pochama, and Brock's Hikozaru!

" Thats awsome Charmander. Said Devan happily. ' So, tommorow we go to the gym right!?Asked Devan. I'll be ready. Devan pointed out.

" Yeah, it's a double battle gym so we'll be able to get all of our badges at the same time!! Said Ash excitedly.

" But we are new here, and don't even have a clue of what hte gymleaders Pokemon will be like. You two will have to be extremly careful. Said Brcok informing Ash and Devan.

" Don't worry Brock. With my Lucario and Ash's Naetoro!! We'll at least have a chance!! Devan said determined.

" Now let's get some sleep you guys. Said Hikari interupting.

The next day Ash and Devan woke up early and already headed to the gym. Hikari was still sleep with her Pochama, and Brock went to the Poke'mart to get some well deserved items and food.

" I suppose you two are here to battle me in my rock gym!? Said a cute lady with a blue jacket, blue jeans, a purple undershirt, and a purple/blue sneakers.

" Yes! Do you accept our offer leader of the Kotobuki Town gym? Devan said quickly bursting out.

" Lets battle then boys. Smash em' Zugaidosu and Tatetopsu!! Said the gym leader choosing her Pokemon!!

" I choose you, Naetoru!! Said Ash. " I choose you, Lucario. Shouted Devan.

" Zugaidosu use headbutt and Tatetopsu use tackle!! Demanded the gym leader.

" Naetoru use your razorleaf attack on both of them!! Yelled Ash.

" Lucario use dark pulse, on Zugaiduso and Tatetopsu!! Devan commanded.

The dark pulse attack made Tatetopsu and Zugaiduso flinch immediatly..Making them wide open for the razorleafs. The razorleaf hit them super-effectivly. They knocked out hard.

" Return. She said returning her Pokemon.You two work together well. Here! She says with a smile, and hands their badges to them..

" Thank you, bye. Look forward to battling you again!! They both yelled walking away.

At the end of that day Devan, Ash, Hikari, and Brock returned to the path to Futaba Town!!


Hope everyone enjoyed this!! I worked hard on it!! Please give me future advice, and comments. Critics too!!

Note: Devan isn't a like begginning trainer. He and Ash had just gone to Shinou.
Last edited:


Well, it's your first fic, and it has alot of problems :\

1. first of, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use proper formating! it will look much better when it's formatted into paragraphs.

2. Grammar is a must! Learn grammar or people would have a hard time reading your fic. Proofreading is very useful, especially if you have someone else do it for you.

3. Looks like you've fallen victim to the "Said syndrome", while it's alright to use the word "said" it really drives people batty when a word is repeated over and over.

4. This is more sound advice then actual criticism. It's better to "show" rather then "tell" what happens in the fic. If you do, not only will your fic become longer, it will end up much more descriptive.

5. I have the funny feeling that you just wrote this fic in the reply box, this is not kosher. Please you MS Word or a simlair program, useful for formating and catching spelling errors.

there's quite a few other nuggets of criticism, but I don't want to point them all out just yet. However, the important thing is that you must keep practicing.
Maybe I'll do this next time-

Devan: Hello!
Ash: Hey?

Thanks alot too!! Please help even more along the way. I'll edit it.


ACK! NO! Bad idea. Proper paragraph formation gets the message across in the clearest and easiest-to-follow way. Writing it like a play really would'nt help.
THanks. I'll stop using the same words again and again.
Thats what most of you are telling me!!

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
THanks. I'll stop using the same words again and again.
Thats what most of you are telling me!!

Stop using bad sarcasm and listen to your damn reviewers...

Maybe I'll do this next time-

Devan: Hello!
Ash: Hey

Yeah, do that again, get it closed again- I reported you last time as you were not worth the effort of posting and you still aren't really. So go ahead, ignore advice to get better, I'll report you. Over and over and over again.
Hey? Sarcasim. All I said is that they've been telling me to stop using the same word. How's that sarcasim? Can you answer that?


Well-Known Member
I think that Yami thought that you were being sarcastic because you said 'I'll stop doing it again and again' (I'll stop repeating the same words) and then 'that's what everyone is telling me' (everyone else is repeating the advice). So it looked like sarcasm to her.

Anyway, my advice is to carefully read and understand what PDL wrote. That's the best advice I can give since he already covered everything that I wanted to post

The Doctor

Absolute Beginner
Not weird...you just have an uber problem. If Devan is a Beginning Trainer (he's at the first Gym), why does he have Lucario? Be realistic.

Evil Munchlax

Well-Known Member
Not weird...you just have an uber problem. If Devan is a Beginning Trainer (he's at the first Gym), why does he have Lucario? Be realistic.

Well, I see how your getting at but then how did the rival in Fire red/Leaf green catch 40 different species of pokemon so early in the game?(Trust me he said that.)

Anyway, you might want to try this for now on:

"I recieved a gym badge!", said Ash filled with joy.

Instaed of this:

"I got a gym badge!Said Ash.


A la lune!
Well, I see how your getting at but then how did the rival in Fire red/Leaf green catch 40 different species of pokemon so early in the game?(Trust me he said that.)

Anyway, you might want to try this for now on:

"I recieved a gym badge!", said Ash filled with joy.

Instaed of this:

"I got a gym badge!Said Ash.

That's what I just said


shove 'er in! ;O
A enjoyable young man and his fraternal twin brother decide to go back home to Kanto!! The two boys are Ash and Devan Ketchum. They have been traveling with their friends Brock and a beautiful young lady named Hikari!! A cerulean blue car drove on a bumpy and crooked road. The car shined so bright you'd think that the sun was coming your way!! I was on my way to the first city in the Shinou Region!! It was called Kotobuki town, then from there they'd go to Futaba town!!

I? is the narrator part of the story? ^^ p_P o_O???
Thats why I'm making the next chapters way better. I'll edit for everyone but i NEEDED COMMENTS AND STUFF FIRST.