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Pokemon Regions..


The Fire Magician
I was thinking about it recently on how great the setting are in each Pokemon Game. The First 4 regions are based on Japanese's regions and yet they look all different with Hoenn and Sinnoh being more Tropical and Mountainous respectively. As for Unova..i like Unova especially because of the verity but i do have problems with it. Kalos on the other hand is perfect it has a right blend of areas that are familiar to old players but also some very unique areas like the creepy forest. In my opinion Kalos is the 2nd best Region with 1st being Sinnoh. One last thing..I think Africa could be a really cool with both Egypt and Cape Town being very interesting areas to explore in Pokemon.


Well-Known Member
I think for next gen they should do like an African / Indian type climate. A climate that's really deserty with a lot of sandstorms. It could tie in with a lot of the history of the Pokémon World and ancient artifacts. A really hot sandy region would be cool. [not to be confused with tropical ]

Void Ventus

Sic Parvis Magna
I'd personally like a region based on Australia. You know there will be lots of dangerous Pokémons there. I'd like a crocodile or kangaroo Mythical.


I'm all fired up!
I'd personally like a region based on Australia. You know there will be lots of dangerous Pokémons there. I'd like a crocodile or kangaroo Mythical.

I'd second that, I think Aus would be an awesome setting. I'd like England too for obvious reasons, but it'd probably be quite bland, though I'm sure they'd get some cool landmarks in.


Yusarin >_<
totally agree with africa since we alredy had asia ( japan), america (us), and europe ( france) or maybe we can have oceania something like australia or new zealand.


Well-Known Member
I really think Australia is next for some reason. Maybe then we can finally get a real kangaroo pokemon.


But the regions aren't really that improtant to me as long as they don't have 17 sea routes like Hoenn.


*hugs Absol*
I don't really care what the regions are based on as long as they're fun to play through and have a catchy OST.

Eon Spirit

Holly Town Resident
How about Peru? South America hasn't been touched, and given Macchu Pichu, the Nazca Lines, and other amazing landmarks, as well as the varied landscape and culture, would make for a wonderful setting for Pokémon.

I Like Pie!

Smile smile smile!
Kalos was a nice balanced region. Liked Unova's city-like design as well.

Would love something entirely village-based for the next region. Rural with huts and what not. Forests and caves will be much emphasized upon.


Great Ball Rank Trainer
While I think the next region would more than likely based on either Canada or Hawaii since the last two Pokémon World championships were held there (due to the fact that Unova came from a visit to NYC & Kalos came from a trip to Paris), I personally wouldn't mind having a region based on Brazil since it's one of the largest countries in South America, it's home to many of the world's most exotic plants and animals, Rio de Janeiro is more identifiable location in today's society, & it could incorporate references from other island-themed locations such as Jamaica, Hawaii, Aruba, & Fiji
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The Uncultured One
Hmmm... I agree with the possibility of Africa/Australia, but I personally would like to see a more spread out region, perhaps across a few islands with a seperate theme, and links to the previous regions. I thought possibly a mountainous island, a desert island and a 'civilized' island, as in one with a few big cities. I'd also like to see a Poison-type legendary involved somehow, as I think that its the only type without a legendary (Arceus Toxic Plate doesn't count.)

Bolt the Cat

Bringing the Thunder
I really think Australia is next for some reason. Maybe then we can finally get a real kangaroo pokemon.

We already have Kangaskhan, but I wouldn't mind another kangaroo Pokemon that actually fights more like a real kangaroo. Maybe it could be Fighting/Ground or something.


The Fire Magician
I think Africa would be a good place due to the large amount of animals available in Africa and can make for some truly cool areas. Also am i correct in saying there hasn't not been a Peacock Pokemon?


Yusarin >_<
I do like Honen but man is it a flawed reigon..especially because of the water

so maybe we can have a region with less aquatic area, prefer more terrain areas.


Well-Known Member
I do like Honen but man is it a flawed reigon..especially because of the water

The thing about Hoenn is that its themes are about land and sea, so it makes sense there was so much water. I just wish the water routes could have been spread of throughout the region, or at least not have most of the water routes look the same.