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Pokemon Rescue Force!


The magic of Pokemon
Pokemon Rescue Force

Mission 1: Mystery of the Disappearing Pokemon! (part 1)

"Beautifly....Beautifly.....Beautifly...." chirped a Beautifly alarm clock, whose face read 8:00 AM. The clock's silent eyes watched as the room's occupant, a Pikachu, threw off its blanket, stormed over to the dresser, and hit the "ALARM OFF" button by the clock's right wing before stretching its arms. I'm awake, already... he thought as he shot an annoyed glance at the now silent alarm clock. He was about to go back to sleep when a familiar cry jolted him awake: "Ring Ring! Rescue Force!"

"Good morning, Pokemon Rescue Force..." came a familiar male voice, a voice that Pikachu recognized as his master: Ash. Interested in this potential new mission, he hurried out of his room, down the stairs, past the kitchen and the living room, and into an office, where he saw the image of Officer Jenny blip onto the videophone screen.

"Hi Ash..." Officer Jenny began. "We've been having a rash of Pokemon disappearances as of late, and we don't know who is doing it or where the Pokemon are being taken. If you could remain on alert for suspicious activity, I'd appriciate it."

"We'll keep watch, okay?" Ash assured Officer Jenny before the screen blipped off.

"Aw..." Pikachu sighed as he climbed off Ash's desk. "I was hoping we'd have a new mission or something..." He took a moment to look around at all the newspaper clippings detailing past missions that decorated Ash's office. It had been three months since the Rescue Force's last mission, so any phone call meant a potential mission.

"Hey, Pikachu..." a voice whispered. Pikachu whirled around to see Treecko in the doorway. "Who was on da phone?"

"That was Officer Jenny..." Ash explained. "She wants us to help her solve a Pokemon disappearing spree, so we're on alert for such activity for now. No mission."

"Come on..." Treecko led Pikachu into the living room, where the some of the other Rescue Force team members; Torchic and Mudkip, were gathered around a card table. Chips of various denominations were scattered about the room, signaling that a game of Hi/Low Stud poker was about to begin. "Let's play a few hands while we wait for a mission."

"You got it!" Pikachu smiled as he settled in a chair between Torchic and Mudkip before counting out five 1000 credit chips for himself. Playing cards was one of the Rescue Force's favorite pastimes when they were not on a mission...Treecko was good at every game, so he dealt rather than played in order to give the other Force members a chance of winning.

"We all know da rules, right?" Treecko asked as he shuffled the cards. "Best of ten wins a match, six in a row pays six to one, Silver cards pay double, and Gold cards pay four times as much." Affirmative nods came from the three players. "All right, we'll begin." With that, he dealt a 3 of clubs for himself before passing three other cards face down to the others.

Mudkip looked at her card: a Queen of spades. "I'll call lower." she began. Treecko nodded and dealt Mudkip her next card, a 9 of clubs. "Lower." she called again, sending a 5 of clubs to her hand. "Higher." She gasped when she saw a 2 of spades enter her hand. "Rats..."

"Mudkip goes bust! Play passes to Pikachu." Treecko reported. Mudkip sighed as she watched the others. Hi/Low stud was her best game, but she had been on a losing streak lately.

Pikachu, meanwhile, studied his card: a 10 of clubs. "Lower." he called. A 3 of hearts was dealt to him. "Higher." He groaned as another 3 landed in his hand.

"Pikachu goes bust!" Play passes to Torchic." Torchic nibbled on some bread as Treecko readied the deck again.

"Lower." Torchic called, but sighed as a 9 of spades appeared in her hand. "Aw, man..."

"Since all three players are bust, I will stand without calling." Treecko announced as he cleared the cards in preparation for the next hand.

"Some hand that was..." Torchic sighed as she received her card for the next hand.

"I know..." Pikachu agreed. "I really need a Shiny card this time..."

"Begin hand 2..." Treecko reported.

Mudkip made a face when she saw her card...both she and Treecko had 10s. "I stand without calling." she replied.

"All right, play now passes to Pikachu." Treecko called.

Pikachu smiled when he saw the 3 of hearts in his hand. "Higher." Next came a 4 of hearts. "Higher." A King of hearts appeared. "Lower." He smiled as a Queen of clubs appeared in his hand. "Lower." He winced when a 10 of clubs appeared in his play area. "Stand."

"Pikachu stands at four calls." Treecko continued. "Play passes to Torchic."

"I got a 3 too!" Torchic cried when she saw her card. She started calling in rapid succession. "Higher...Lower...Stand."

"Torchic stands at two calls." Treecko reported. "Now...I call...Lower." He winced as he drew an Ace. "Bust...you guys win three to two."

"YAAAAYYY!!!!" Pikachu led the cheers as he, Torchic and Mudkip collected the pot, but the celebrations were cut short by a bell ringing. Red lights flashed through the whole base as a siren begin wailing. The pandemonium meant one thing: a mission!

With that, the four members of the Pokemon Rescue Force raced to the entrance of the base and climbed aboard Swellow, the fifth member of the Force, and the transport for the others. Ash also waited nearby, ready to give Swellow the flight plan.

"Where to?" Swellow asked.

"The call came from this house right over here..." Ash explained, showing Swellow the house he had marked on his map of Pallet Town. "Officer Jenny's waiting for you there. As for the rest of you...qestion the local Pokemon and relay any info you find to me."

"Will do, Ash!" Treecko smiled as he pinned on his Rescue Force badge: a red and blue Poke Ball with a yellow lightning bolt on top of it and the letters R and F on the sides of the lightning bolt. Everyone else did the same. "Ready guys?" The others cheered in agreement.

"Pokemon Rescue Force, away!" Pikachu called as Swellow disappered up the tunnel that lead out of the base....


Officer Jenny smiled as Swellow and the Force arrived at the house. "Thank you guys so much for answering my call...another Pokenapping occured here!"

"So we see..." Pikachu replied as he climbed off of Swellow and glanced around the house, where an entire army of officers was scouring the yard and the house for any sort of a clue. He motioned to the others. "Okay! Treecko and Torchic, go ask the resident Pokemon if they have any good information about what happened. Mudkip and I will look around the house for any clues."

"We'll get on it!" With that, Treecko hurried up a tree and started questioning a Pidgey, and Torchic began quizzing a passing Weedle in the grass. Pikachu and Mudkip started around the house...judging from how messy some of the rooms were, the kidnapped Pokemon had put up quite a struggle with its assailant.

Several hours later...

Mudkip sighed as she and Pikachu made another lap around the house. "You sure there's any clues here? We've been around the house three times already..."

Pikachu was about to answer when he heard a familiar beeping: his communicator! "This is Topaz." he started.

"This is Emerald..." Treecko replied. "I've finished questioning da Pidgeys here...they say the kidnapped Pokemon was a baby Persian named Serena."

"Okay, anything else?" Pikachu asked.

"They also said to check around the window of the girl's room...Some Caterpies told me they saw a giant figure try and get in the window." Treecko replied. "Emerald out."

"Topaz out."

"What did Treecko say?" Mudkip was curious.

"Head over to the window of the girl's room...there's a clue there!" Pikachu explained. With that, the two Pokemon hurried back around the house, until they saw one window with huge scrapes in the wood. To make matters even more interesting, there were giant holes in the grass that vaguely resembled pawprints.

"Oh my..." Mudkip was impressed by the size of the holes and scrapes. "I'm going to take pictures of these and relay them to Ash!" With that, she retrieved a small camera from her bag and snapped several photos of the clues they found...just as her communicator went off! "This is Sapphire..." she explained as she snapped another picture of the scrapes on the window.

"This is Ruby..." Torchic begin. "Hurry with what you're doing, we're headed home."

"On my way...Sapphire out." Mudkip replied. With that, she returned the camera to the bag and raced to join the others....


Back at the base...

"Hmmm...." Ash mused as he studied Mudkip's pictures. "About these scrapes on the girl's window...they look like claws to me."

"Claws?" Everyone was confused.

"Yes...and no Pokemon I know of has claws that would make scrapes like these." Ash explained. "As for the pawprint like tracks..." he continued, bringing up the picture of the tracks. "they resemble an Arcanine's tracks. But, what would Arcanines be doing here?"

"Beats me..." Treecko sighed. Torchic nodded in agreement.

"I do have one tip for you..." Ash interjected. "I remember seeing tracks like this in some alleyways in town...if you could find some of those and let me compare them, we'll have some idea of what is taking the Pokemon."

"We're on it!" Pikachu called as he led the others out.

An hour or so later....

"Here's da plan..." Treecko began as the Rescue Force gathered at an entrance to an alleyway. "Pikachu will follow these prints here..." he explained, gesturing to some prints on the ground. "and tell us where they go...while Mudkip tracks him with da radar."

"You ready, Pikachu?" Torchic asked as she hung a whistle around Pikachu's neck.

"As I'll ever be..." Pikachu stammered as Mudkip buried a radar tracker in his fur.

"If you need us, just whistle!" Mudkip assured Pikachu as he scurried off into the dark alley...


Torchic slumped against a lampost, obvously bored. "Any word on Pikachu yet?"

Mudkip was about to answer when she heard a whistle in the distance. "Pikachu! Come on!" With that, she led the others through the maze of corridors until they came to a corridor with a dead end, where Pikachu was cornered by a giant robot Arcanine. It growled as it approached Pikachu....

To Be Continued...


Don Ledianni
Nice story so far, FR! I reallt like the characterization of everyone. The descriptions are nice and too the point which is good. I wonder, though...Are we going to see how this ragtag band came together? Again, nice story and it reads like a comic. But, then again I guess you'd expect me to say something like that. Grammar and punctuation looks good. Very interesting style writing anf it isn't too dark.

Dark stories are okay but it's nice to see a light one like this!



A nice story you got there FlamingRuby! Anyway, is this story something close to Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon? Can't wait for the next chapter!


The magic of Pokemon
Yes, it was inspired by Mysterious Dungeon, and was primarily meant to celebrate the release of Mysterious Dungeon


The magic of Pokemon
Mission 1: Mystery of the Disappearing Pokemon! (part 2)

Pikachu's heart raced as he desprately looked for an escape route. Blocked on all sides...how am I going to escape? He backed away as the Arcanine robot lunged forward to grab him, but all of a sudden...

"FLAME STRIKE!" The Arcanine turned to look in the direction of the cry, only to be engulfed in Torchic's attack! It howled in pain as Pikachu ran to join the others.

"Nice shot, Torchic!" Pikachu smiled as he ducked into the alcove where the others were hiding and reached for his communicator. "Topaz calling Master Jewel, do you read me?"

"I read you loud and clear, Topaz." came the reply as the image of Ash in his office appeared on the tiny screen. "What's going on?"

"I narrowly escaped being eaten by a robot Arcanine!" Pikachu explained. "I was following the tracks in the alleyway, like you said; when the robot Arcanine jumped me! I ran as fast as I could, but it soon had me cornered!"

"And then?" Ash was interested.

"Before it could eat me, Torchic attacked it, causing it to short circuit and collapse." Pikachu concluded, gesturing to the burning remains of the Arcanine robot located a few feet away.

"Interesting...I'll have to tell Officer Jenny about this." Ash replied has he threw on his headset. "Stand by, Topaz." With that, the words "PLEASE STAND BY" appeared on the communicator screen.

"Say..." Mudkip started as she hurried over to the robot's remains. "Maybe if I put the flames out and rework this guys controls, maybe we can ride inside it! That way, we'll know just where these robots come from, what they do, who made them, and things like that!"

"It's worth a shot..." Treecko started, but was interrupted by Pikachu's communicator. "You still there, Topaz?"

"Topaz here." Pikachu replied.

"All right...what's your next plan?" Ash asked. "I've told Officer Jenny about the robots..."

"Well...the one Torchic attacked...we're going to try and salvage it; then ride it to wherever it came from...maybe we can figure out if it'll take us where Serena and the other missing Pokemon are being held." Pikachu explained.

"It's worth a try..." Ash smiled. "Good luck, Rescue Force...I've got Swellow on standby if you need help."

"Topaz out." With that, the communicator blipped to black.

Treecko and Mudkip looked at each other. "Well, no sense in standing here...let's get to work!" "With that, he fished out a blank blueprint and started drawing a rough model of the robot.

"I'm on it!" and Mudkip fired a stream of water at the flaming remains. "HYDRO BLAST!" The flames hissed as they died down, allowing the charred metal to cool off. Treecko, manwhile, gathered up his blueprint and toolbox, then ran to join Mudkip in tinkering with the smoking remains.

Several hours later...

"Okay...take a look!" Treecko smiled as he unveiled the newly repaired Arcanine robot. For the most part, it looked brand new, save for a few obvious vines and water stains that could only be seen in bright light.

"Wow..." Torchic was impressed. Pikachu nodded in agreement as he led the others aboard the robot. Once everyone was comfortable, Treecko hit a button marked 'HOME', causing the Arcanine to lumber off towards an omnious looking dome overlooking Pallet Town.


"Are we there yet?" Torchic asked as the robot approached a pathway leading up to the dome.

"We're getting close." Treecko assured his comrades. "I can see an entrance up ahead, and two more Arcanines are there." With that, he proceeded to follow the other Arcanines inside the dome.

Pikachu's ears pricked up at various sounds in the room that vaguely sounded like calls for help. "Odd...do you guys hear calls for help in here?"

"I think we've stopped, so let's take a look." With that, Torchic eased open the escape hatch....and the Rescue Force gasped at what they saw.

The entire room was lined with cages containing Pokemon, with some cages containing two or three Pokemon at a time. The only other object in the room was an omnious looking robot with at least eight claws.

"What is this place?" Torchic stammered, apparntly afraid of the clawed robot.

"A nightmare, that's what!" Treecko shivered as he glanced around at all the caged Pokemon crying for help.

"Help!" a Rattata called as it clawed at the cage bars.

"Someone help us!" a Chikorita begged. The Cyndaquil nearby puffed out a smoky "SOS" with its quills.

"Quiet down in there!" a male voice barked, startling the Rescue Force! Treecko quickly opened the back escape hatch, shepherding the others into a storage closet as two shadowy figures approached.

"That was close!" Pikachu gasped as Mudkip closed the door behind them.

"I'll say...maybe I can get my communicator to show what's going on outside." Treecko suggested. The others watched as Treecko tinkered with a small camera mounted on his communicator. After a few minutes, an image of the room blipped on the screen, where the others could see a male Rocket grunt wearing a hat and a blonde haired female grunt walking to meet the Arcanines.

"Okay, guys...line up!" the male grunt commanded. The three Arcanines obediently lined up in a row.

"All right, my puppies...cuve!" the female grunt ordered. The Arcanines opened their mouths, including the one the Rescue Force had tinkered with. The male grunt calmly reached for what looked like a small cell phone and pressed a button, causing the clawed robot to come alive!

"What's it doing?" Mudkip asked. She suddenly gasped as the claws retrieved an Espeon from the first Arcanine and a Squirtle and Pichu from the second. All three Pokemon were then thrown into three spare cages.

"Well done, ARCA 01 and 02..." the male grunt smiled as he petted the two Arcanines that had brought a Pokemon.

"What about ARCA 03?" the female grunt asked. At that second, the connection began to break up.

"So that's who's doing it...Team Rocket..." Pikachu gasped.

"I'll notify Ash!" Torchic volunteered. She quickly switched on her comunicator. "Ruby calling Master Jewel..."

"I read you, Ruby..." Ash replied. "Any news?"

"We have appeared to have arrived at a Rocket base." Torchic explained. "The Arcanine robots take the Pokemon here, then cage them up!" She took the shocked look on Ash's face as the sign to continue. "Our next objective: find Serena and rescue her!"

"Okay, good luck and be careful!" Ash replied, then the communicator switched off.

"Speaking of Serena...I think I've found her location in this room..." Treecko mused as he showed the others a map of the room, which also had an arrow pointing out Serena's location.

"Left side, second row, fourth cage over...got it!" With that, Pikachu peeked outside...the Rockets had gone, so he motioned for the others to follow him. After some climbing, they made their way over to the fourth cage over, where a tiny Persian wearing a magenta bow with the name "Serena" written in gold writing lay, asleep.

"Hey..." Treecko rattled the cage bars in an attempt to get the baby Persian to awaken. "Wake up!"

"Mrrggh...who are you guys?" Serena groggily yawned as she woke up.

"We are the Pokemon Rescue Force!" Pikachu replied, flashing a Rescue Force badge for emphasis. "We came to rescue you!"

"Rescue me? That's great news!" Serena cried, elated that someone had come to rescue her. "But...how are you guys going to get me out of here?"

"Easy! FLAME STRIKE!" Serena jumped to the back of the cage as Torchic fired an ember or two at the cage bars, creating a large enough opening for Serena to fit. After a quick jump to the floor, the Force led Serena back to the closet they had hidden in earlier.

"Now, we'll call Ash and let him know you're okay..." Treecko began as he switched his communicator on. "Emerald calling Master Jewel..."

"Master Jewel here...any news?" Ash asked.

"We've sucessfully found and rescued Serena." Treecko began. "We're coming home soon..."

"NO!" Torchic interruppted, startling Treecko. "We're not leaving until ALL these Pokemon are freed...Ho'oh only knows what Team Rocket has in store for them!"

"Torchic's right, Emerald..." Ash began as he brought up an information log. "I've tapped into some of the computers at your location...the Rockets are using the claw robot to drain the Pokemon's power, using that power to power up a laser beam! If you guys don't hurry, Pallet will be wiped off the map!" Everyone gasped at this.

'Is there anything we can do?" Treecko asked, a note of worry in his voice.

"There's still some hope...." Ash assured Treecko. "If you guys can find the master controls somewhere in here, shut them all off, drain the laser's power, and free the Pokemon, we can save the city. The only catch is: You have six hours to do this..." At this, a six hour clock appeared on Treecko's communicator as the image of Ash faded, which began ticking away...

To Be Continued....

Six hours remain...


Hey there FR, keeping up with my review promises. Been a little busy recently, so sorry on those counts. Hmmm, I would like to see some improvements to description. I believe I told you before about longer, more descriptive sentences? Otherwise, I like the humanisation of the Pokemon characters, and you have a very original take on everything. Take care.


Iblis Wings
Interesting. Not the same old same old. Pokemon rescuing other pokemon...very interesting. Pretty good since it's new and pretty cool I have to admit. Wish you luck for the next chapter.


The magic of Pokemon

A preview of the next mission:

"'The Gary and Umbreon Show' will be right back after these messages." the TV announced as Pikachu returned with popcorn. Some happy music started to play as some Meowths and Skitties appeared on a stage.

If you're hungry
And you're not a cow - Meow!
Then try some delicious PokéChow!
they sang as the spotlight came up on a yellow box with arms, legs, and a smiling Vulpix on its front.

The PokeChow box danced with some of the Meowths as they continued:

It's a delicious treat
That sure can't be beat!
Then try some PokéChow - Meow!
The box struck a pose as the commercial finished.

"Now that was a weird commercial..." Mudkip commented.

"You're telling me..." Pikachu sighed as a Pidgeot Airlines commercial came on.

Just then, the door slammed. "Guys, I'm home!" Ash called as he strolled into the living room, an Eevee trailing along behind him.

If you're hungry
And you're not a cow - Meow!
Then try some delicious PokéChow!
Torchic sang as she skipped across the floor with the PokeChow box in one wing.

Ash was puzzled. "What's with Torchic?"

"They played that annoying PokeChow commercial with the Meowths and the dancing box." Pikachu explained.

Sike Saner

Peace to the Mountain
I love Pokécentric fics. I just do. ^_^

The characters here all have personalities that are easy to like. Seems like they'd make good friends, y'know. I also like the light, easygoing atmosphere, one which I imagine will be maintained throughout the various missions and mysteries that lie ahead of the Rescue Force. The story is free from grammatical errors, which helps to make it a fresh, easy read.

Fun times, here. Nice work. ^_^


Your story is getting more exciting with no gramatical mistakes! Good job


The magic of Pokemon
Mission 1: "Mystery of the Disappearing Pokemon!" (part 3)

Six hours remain....

Torchic swallowed hard as the timer on Treecko's communcator bagan to tick away. "Six hours... Six hours to save the city..."

"We won't get anything done if we just sit here and brood about how much time we have!" Treecko snapped. "So, Rescue Force, huddle!" The others and Serena huddled together for a few tense minutes, discussing ideas.

Five hours and fifty minutes remain....

"Okay, here's da plan..." Treecko began as he started a simulation of his proposed plan. "In a few minutes, the two grunts will come in here and release all the Pokemon. They'll put them in the power generator at the claw robot's base, where their power will go towards powering up the laser. At that time, Pikachu will shock the generator's controls, disrupting the powerup sequence, thereby draining any power that's already there."

"Right!" Pikachu replied."

"Once the controls are shocked, I'll bind up the two grunts and disable all communications...this way, they can't call for help." Treecko continued...

"What about me?" Serena interjected. "What can I do?"

"Hmm..." Treecko thought...he hadn't counted on Serena asking for a part in the plan. "You can distract the grunts enough for me to bind them up."

"Okay!" Serena replied. "I'll pay them back really well for kidnapping me!" She flexed her claws for emphasis.

"Anyway..." Treecko continued. "With the guards bound up, Mudkip will disable security and any manual overides for what we've disabled so far...then she and Torchic will lead the captured Pokemon to safety. Any questions about what you guys are supposed to do?"

No one said a single thing.

"All right...Rescue Force, move out!" With that, Pikachu ducked into a corner nearby the generator controls, Serena and Treecko ducked into another corner at the entrance of the room, Torchic flitted over to a corner by the generator's escape hatch, and Mudkip squeezed into a corner by the security controls, waiting for the Rockets to arrive.

Five hours and twenty minutes remain...

"All right..." the female grunt began as she entered the room. "Are we ready to release the Pokemon into the generator?"

"I'll do it." the male grunt repled as he reached for the robot's controls and pressed a button, paying no heed to the Pikachu hiding by his chair. All the Pokemon screamed and tried to flee the robotic claws as one by one, they were all dropped into a bowl-like structure at the robot's base. Once inside, they all began glowing blue as their energy flowed out of them, making a red indicator on the generator's side rise. Suddenly...

"THUNDER BLAZE!" The male grunt watched, surprised, as a wave of thunderbolts surged over the controls, disabling them! Pikachu hurried away as the male grunt tried to resuscutate the damaged controls. At the same time, the red indicator on the generator's side began dropping as the Pokemon's life energy began returning to them.

"What's wrong?" the female grunt asked as her comrade tried again and again to restart the shocked controls, but to no avail.

"The amount of Pokemon we had in there overloaded the generator controls, I think..." the male grunt replied as he kept trying unsuccessfully to restart the generator.

That's what you think... Pikachu snickered as he motioned for Serena to attack. Serena nodded, quietly crept up to the bickering Rockets, and sprung onto the female grunt's back!

"YEEEEOWW!!!" the female grunt screamed as she fought to get the attacking Serena off of her. The male grunt rushed to help, but was soon caught up in the attack as well!

"ENERGY VINE!" Treecko called as he wrapped the two struggling grunts up in a glowing vine. Once he had throughly tied the grunts up, Serena leapt to the floor, her part complete.

Two hours and ten minutes remain...

"Come on! The other controls have to be around here someplace!" Torchic cried as she and Mudkip fumbled around, desperately looking for the controls they needed to disable.

"Wonder what this does?" and Mudkip hit a blue button...

"Communications disabled." came a robotic voice. The two Rockets groaned at this--NOW how were they going to call for help?

"Manual overrides disabled." Torchic had luckily found the correct button on one try! With that, she flitted over to the generator's escape hatch, where the others were waiting.

Now to disable everything else! Mudkip smiled as she began hitting random buttons....

"Security disabled." With that, the generator escape hatch opened....

"Robotics disabled." Mudkip watched as the claw robot, not to mention the robotic Arcanines, all shut down. Her job completed, she ran to join the others, where the captive Pokemon were all anxiously awaiting the cue to escape.

"Come on!" Torchic called as she started down the hatch. "Follow me!"

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!" the freed Pokemon cheered as they followed the Rescue Force and Serena out of the dome and into the night, just as Officer Jenny arrived to arrest the two grunts....


The next morning, all of Pallet Town turned out at the town square to watch the Rescue Force receive their latest award. In addition to all the newspapers and radio stations, the news crews of KNTO, WJTO, PNN, and WHON were all present for the ceremony.

Torchic smiled as she followed Ash and the others onto the platform in the center of the square. "Isn't this exciting?" she asked Treecko.

"This is da reason that makes me proud to be on the Rescue Force." Treecko smiled. "I like savin' da world from cronies like the Rockets, especially when everyone throws a party like this afterward!"

"Okay guys...Officer Jenny's ascending the platform, so keep quiet while she's talking." Ash shushed as Officer Jenny stepped to the microphone to address the crowd.

"People of Pallet! As you're all well aware, our great town was on the brink of extinction last night!" Officer Jenny began. "Team Rocket planned to use the power of our own Pokemon to destroy us! However, thanks to some very brave Pokemon, their plan was thwarted, and our city survived to see this joyful day!" Cheers went up from the crowd at this, so Officer Jenny waited for the crowd to quiet for a moment.

"I wonder if we'll get medals or something?" Mudkip asked.

"Just wait and see." Ash assured Mudkip as Officer Jenny prepared to speak again.

"It is therefore my privilige, and greatest honor, to present to you our brave rescuers...Ash Ketchum and the Pokemon Rescue Force!" Officer Jenny announced. At this, confetti cannons fired, cameras began flashing, and the high school band began playing as Ash and the Force charged onto the platform and waved to the crowd...

Later that day...

"Wow...I'm pooped from that party on the square..." Pikachu sighed as the group carried Serena to the doorstep of her master's house.

"I know, but we still have to take Serena home...she's the last of the captured Pokemon that needs to come home..." Ash explained as he set Serena on the house's front stoop, rang the doorbell, and retreated to the bush where the others were hiding.

Pikachu smiled as a young brown haired girl answered the door. "Serena!" she cried.

"Mew!" Serena replied as she leapt into her master's arms.

"Oh, you're all right!" the girl cried again, tears of joy running down her face as she shut the door. "Mom! Dad! Serena's home!..."

"Aww..." Mudkip commented.

"And so ends another mission for the Rescue Force..." Treecko mused as he climbed aboard Swellow.

"With a happy ending, too!" Ash interjected. "Come on, Swellow...let's go home." Swellow nodded, and soared off into the sunset...

Last edited:


Iblis Wings
Nice not bad at all. Heheh stupic ocket grnts. Never underestimate pokemon! Nice chapter. Rescue force is a bit exciting.


this is actually pretty good, I wish I thought of a Rescue Force fanfic first... it's simplistic, but it works well. Great job, and keep up the good work


The magic of Pokemon
Mission 2: Eevee the Trainee! (part 1)

"Guys? Can I trust you to look after the base while I go pick up a few things at the Pokemart?" Ash asked the Rescue Force as he mounted Swellow.

"Of course, I've set the phone on standby; so if we do get any calls while you're out, the caller can leave a message." Mudkip smiled as she switched on the TV, where the song "On our Way" was playing in the background as Gary took a flying leap on a stage, clad in a blue top hat and tails.

"All right, I'll be back in a little while." With that, Ash and Swellow disappeared out the exit tunnel.

Treecko took a glance at what Mudkip was watching and gasped. "Is dat 'The Gary and Umbreon Show', by any chance?"

"Sure is!" Mudkip replied as Gary, now in his normal clothes, ran out on the stage to greet the studio audience. "It just got started."

"I'll go make some popcorn!" and Pikachu hurried into the kitchen, nearly knocking Torchic over in the process.

On the screen, Gary addressed the audience. "Thank you! Today we want to pay tribute to the Gym Leaders of the world...and we'll start with the flower of
Celadon, the lovely Erika!" Applause filled the air as Erika appeared on the stage, shook hands with Gary, then began conversing with him.

"She's beautiful..." Treecko started, hearts forming in his eyes as he admired Erika on the screen. In fact, just looking at her was a lot more interesting than the interview she was having with Gary at that moment. He was suddenly jarred out of his daydream when the TV announced."'The Gary and Umbreon Show' will be right back after these messages."

"What'cha watching?" Pikachu asked as he sat down between Treecko and Mudkip with a large bowl of popcorn.

"It's just 'The Gary and Umbreon Show'. Torchic explained. "Today's guest is Erika, and Treecko's in love with her!" she laughed as she turned her attention back to the TV. Some happy music started to play as some Meowths and Skitties appeared on a stage.

If you're hungry
And you're not a cow - Meow!
Then try some delicious PokéChow!
they sang as the spotlight came up on a yellow box with arms, legs, and a smiling Vulpix on its front.

The PokeChow box danced with some of the Meowths as they continued:

It's a delicious treat
That sure can't be beat!
Then try some PokéChow - Meow!
The box struck a pose as the commercial finished.

"Now that was a weird commercial..." Mudkip commented.

"You're telling me..." Pikachu sighed as a Pidgeot Airlines commercial came on.

Just then, the door slammed. "Guys, I'm home!" Ash called as he strolled into the living room, an Eevee trailing along behind him.

If you're hungry
And you're not a cow - Meow!
Then try some delicious PokéChow!
Torchic sang as she skipped across the floor with the PokeChow box in one wing.

Ash was puzzled. "What's with Torchic?"

"They played that annoying PokeChow commercial with the Meowths and the dancing box just now." Pikachu explained as he changed the channel.

"Oh really?" Ash laughed. "Anyway, I'd like you guys to meet our newest addition!" he announced as he set Eevee on the floor.

"Thank you for accepting me into the Rescue Force, Ash..." Eevee began as she smoothed out her fur. "I'm sure I can be of service to you somehow."

"Well, in order to be a full member, you've got to be trained first, which I'm sure Pikachu and the others will gladly do..." Ash assured Eevee as he disappeared into his office. "so pay attention to what Pikachu and the others have to tell you."

"Oh, I will!" Eevee replied as she followed Pikachu and Treecko down the hall and into a screening room...


"All right..." Treecko began as he prepped the projector in the screening room. "First part of the training explains how the Pokemon Rescue Force came to be...so you know a little bit about us and what you're getting into."

"LIGHTS!!!" Pikachu called. At that moment, the lights in the room dimmed and the projector began to whir.




The Pokemon Rescue Force--serving the citizens of Pallet Town and the world since 1998! an announcer began as a picture of a Rescue Force badge flashed on the screen.

"That's the official Rescue Force badge." Treecko explained. "Wear it when you go out on missions so people and Pokemon know who you are." Eevee nodded and turned her attention back to the screen, which depected Ash walking on a road.

The origins of the Rescue Force began with Ash's own journey. the announcer explained. As he traveled to the various towns and cities of the world, he met up with many people and Pokemon that needed help with troubles large and small--it was from this attitude of helpfulness the Rescue Force emerged.

Many Pokemon and humans have served on the Force in the past...
the announcer continued as profiles of past Rescue Force members, human and Pokemon, flashed on the screen. Some former members start squadrons of their own. At this, the screen showed a shot of May taking a call.

"That's May, the leader of the Houen squadron of the Force." Treecko explained, but he noticed Eevee was getting drowsy eyed. "Guys? Is this enough video?"

"I guess." Torchic replied as she shut off the projector, making the lights come up. "Come on, Eevee...let's show you to your room..."


Feathers and laughter filled the air as Eevee bounced around the bed, pillows and blankets in her room. 'This is so much fun!"

"Yeah, but we're the ones that have to clean up your mess..." Pikachu grumbled as he swept up more feathers.

"Hey..." Eevee glanced up, startled by Ash's sudden appearance in the doorway. "No jumping on the beds...it just makes a big mess." Eevee sighed and slumped on the bed, bored....

Mudkip climbed on the bed next to Eevee. "Ash doesn't like it when we jump on the beds like that...he just wants to keep the rooms clean." she began.

"What's the lights on the corners for?" Eevee interrupted, pointing out two red lights in the corners.

"Those are alert lights..." Mudkip explained. "When Ash sounds the alarm, they'll flash...so if you're asleep, they'll wake you up!"

"I'd hate to be woken up at two in the morning!" Eevee grumbled as she glanced outside.

"Sometimes a call comes at two in the morning." Treecko called. "So we always have to be ready for occassions like that. That's why we sometimes have drills."

"Drills?" Eevee was interested. "Like fire drills?"

"Something like that." Pikachu explained. "Ash doesn't give us any warning as to when he'll sound the alarm for a drill, so we always have to be ready...they usually occur every three or four days."

"Here's how a drill works..." Torchic explained. "Ash sounds the alarm, just like a real mission; and we have to rush down to the base's entrance, where Swellow is, as quickly as we can."

"Our last drill was two days ago, so we may have one today." Treecko added. "So don't panic when the alarm goes off, although it might startle you at first."

"If we do have a drill today, just follow me, and I'll show you the quickest route." Pikachu assured Eevee as he finished tidying up the room.

"But what does the alarm--" Eevee started, only to be cut off by a bell ringing. She shielded her eyes and ears as the two lights began to flash and a siren began to wail.

"That's the alarm! Come on!" Pikachu dragged Eevee out the door and carried her down the hallway to the rescue pole, where they slid down into the living room. After rounding a corner into the base's entryway, they stood by Swellow, where Ash was waiting with a stopwatch.

After disabling the alarm, Ash checked the time on the watch. "Not bad, but you're usually faster than this!" he noted as he displayed the time: 1'20"54.

"Eevee was afraid of the alarm, so I had to carry her down." Pikachu grumbled, gesturing to the shuddering Eevee.

Ash knelt down to Eevee's eye level and stroked her fur. "I know the alarm is scary at first, but you'll get used to it." he started...

"The alarm's not scary, it's just loud!" Eevee explained. "It just surprised me when it went off!"

"I will tell you this much: When I sound the alarm for real, I usually call 'Let's go, Rescue Force!' before pushing the button, so that's how you'll know when it's a real mission." Ash explained as he carried Eevee into the kitchen for lunch.

After lunch...

"Here's Ash's office, where he handles all our calls, analyzes any data we find, and sounds the alarm." Torchic explained as she watched Ash settle in his chair and slip on his headset.

"Before I show you around here, here's a present for you..." and Ash handed Eevee a communicator. "This communicator watch will allow you to talk to us while you're out on a mission. Your codename is Diamond." With that, he slipped the communicator on Eevee.

"I'm Topaz..." Pikachu explained.

"Treecko's Emerald..." Mudkip continued, "Torchic's Ruby, and I'm Sapphire."

"Jewels...that'll be easy to remember!" Eevee smiled. "So what's Ash's code? Pearl?"

"Nope, Ash is Master Jewel." Pikachu explained. "To call us, press the red button that says 'CALL' and say 'Diamond calling...whoever you need to talk to.' When you're done talking, just say 'Diamond out'.

"Okay..." and Eevee nervously pressed the button. "Diamond calling Ruby..."

"This is Ruby..." Torchic replied. "Do you read me?"

"I do.." Eevee stammered. "Diamond out."

Ash smiled. "You must be a natural!" he began, before inviting Eevee on his desk. "This is all my stuff I need to work." he explained, gesturing to a large red button with a white loudspeaker on it in between the videophone and laptop. "This is the button that triggers the alarm....the videophone's how I take calls..."

'So those headphones you're wearing aren't for music, then?" Eevee was curious.

"They can play music, but I mainly use them to listen to whoever's calling on the phone, or if you guys need to tell me something." Ash xplained as he brought up a fresh data log on the laptop. "The laptop's how I keep track of any data you guys find...it also helps to tap into enemy computers and analyze physical evidence."

'Ring Ring! Rescue Force!" announced the phone, startling Eevee to the point of tumbling to the floor!

"Good afternoon, Pokemon Rescue Force..." Ash started as he helped Eevee back on the desk. "Mm-hmm...yes...what did this dog Pokemon look like?...I see...all right, we'll be right there." With that, he hung up the phone.

"Who was it?" Eevee asked.

"We've got a mission...your first." Ash replied. "Let's go, Rescue Force!" With that, Eevee hurried out of the office and joined her new comrades as the alarm began to ring...

To Be Continued...

AN: Thanks, +Chaos Blade+, for the commercial jingle!
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